shimmering silver eyes went from me to
Jynxx. “And you, Jynxx, are the Kongen Ulven. The Wolf King of this
particular clan.”

Chapter 11
    “King?” Jynxx asked, seeming more upset and confused
than before. “What in the hell is that supposed to mean?”
    Conner shrugged his bare shoulders. “It means that
you’re meant to be our leader by right of birth, you putz.”
    Gavin nodded, those red eyes of his not seeming
pleased about it. “There’s been a lot of dissension among the clan
lately, with everyone wondering who will lead until you’ve fully
awakened. Some were starting to think the genes had skipped you
    He leaned forward. “You mean that my parents
    “Are, Jynxx, are . You parents are werewolves. And
they’re not dead.” Teigan put in.
    “Tell me you’re joking,” he countered
    “I am as serious as a heart attack, my friend. Your
mom and dad left a few years back because there were some families
in the local clan threatening to remove their young –you and
Jimmy-- before they even had a chance to ascend to the throne. They
felt it was in your best interest to be as far away as possible
until they knew the threat had faded.” He ran fingers through his
long, chocolaty curls, looking tired. “It’s been hard on all of us,
defending your honor and what is rightfully yours.” He sent a
pointed glare in Gavin’s direction.
    Kenshin spoke up for the first time. “But now we
won’t have a problem with that! Not only do we have Jynxx about to
wolf out, but now we’ve got Kacea with whatever nifty old Viking
powers she’s got! The others who want to usurp the throne will have
to acknowledge our strengthened power base and back down.”
    Elomina shook her head, a small and sad smile on her
lips. “If only it were that easy, Kenshin. Unfortunately for all of
us, it will more likely mean that they will want to fight. To test
our new strength and see if we are truly worthy of their respect,
and fit to rule them.”
    "Well, damn." I murmured, looking downward.
    Jynxx had his head in his hands, the silky curtain of
his hair falling forward around his face. I put my hand on his knee
and rubbed it comfortingly, not knowing what else to do for him. He
looked down at me from his seat on the couch, and there were unshed
tears in his eyes. He covered it by closing them and pinching the
bridge of his nose instead. "Sorry, guys..." He sighed. "This is
just a bit much to take in all at once."
    Elomina nodded sympathetically. "Perfectly
understandable, Jynxx. But unfortunately, today will be filled with
things that are hard to take in. For instance, the next samling,
gathering, is next Saturday. That is the next eve when the full
moon begins. Seeing how you react to Skadhi's presence, it's only a
matter of days before your first transformation happens all on its
own. With that being the case, we must present you to the entirety
of the Clan as their leader in one week's time."
    Jynxx and I were both dumbstruck to silence. She
nodded at the horrified expressions on our faces. "You both have
much you need to learn. And I may well make your first lesson how
to force a change, Kacea. It will be painful, for both of you, but
it is a useful skill and we can monitor Jynxx without fearing for
anyone's safety. Since Conner spends more time in ulv form than any
of the others, he shall assist you."
    "Thanks for volunteering me, Mina." He stuck out his
tongue at her.
    Something had been bothering me the last few minutes.
"Um, guys... Did Jimmy know about this already?"
    Everyone froze, telling me without words that they
hadn't told him, and hadn't intended for him to know. Not just yet,
anyway. We all looked to where he sat on the couch beside Gavin,
and I say "sat" loosely. He was more slumped over to the side,
passed out with his head on the arm of the couch. His lips were
parted and he was drooling slightly, and I couldn't resist a small
chuckle at how adorable he looked.
    We all

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