Lucky Break

Lucky Break by Sienna Mercer

Book: Lucky Break by Sienna Mercer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sienna Mercer
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hoofprints to know which were Lucky’s.
    ‘What do we do now?’ Olivia wanted to know.
    ‘We should keep riding for a little while, andthen go back to see what group efforts we can coordinate.’
    Olivia nodded.
    She would do whatever it took to find Lucky – for Rebecca and for her bio-mom, but most importantly, for her sister.

    ‘It will have to do for now.’ Ivy closed her laptop sadly.
    She’d been trawling the internet for advice on lost horses, and she’d found some great websites.
    One woman had managed to convince the local police academy to run training exercises in the woods when she’d lost her horse and someone else had got the recreational pilot’s club in the area to do a rota of flyovers. Ivy was willing to do anything to help find Lucky and she planned to start making phone calls first thing in the morning.
    ‘You’re doing everything you can,’ Olivia offered.
    Olivia looked dishevelled after five hours of searching. Ivy had spent her time phoning everyone that Aunt Rebecca knew and organising a search party of thirty people for first light tomorrow.
    ‘I have never felt so wretched.’ Her ankle throbbed and it felt like her legs were made of lead as she stood up to change into her bat-patterned pyjamas.
    ‘It wasn’t your fault,’ Olivia replied with a pained expression. ‘Don’t blame yourself.’
    ‘There is no one else to blame,’ Ivy said. ‘Brendan shouldn’t have said he’d done it. I’m so lucky to have him – even if Aunt Rebecca doesn’t think so.’
    Olivia nodded. ‘She just needs to get to know him.’
    ‘Except now she’ll never let him set foot on her property again,’ Ivy replied.
    I’ve messed everything up
, Ivy thought.
I’m definitely not my mother’s daughter.
    She thought about her mother’s journal, lying wrapped up on top of the dresser. It was almost like she didn’t deserve to read it any more.
    As she laid down on the floor, wishing she was at home in her coffin, Ivy drifted off, to dream of a white horse running in the moonlight.

    Back in Franklin Grove five days later, the twins were upset to hear that Lucky was still missing.
    They had phoned Aunt Rebecca every day for updates, but there were no new leads. Now Olivia had to put him out of her mind. In less than an hour, it would be the grand opening of
Romezog and Julietron.
The entire cast wasassembled backstage in all their metallic glory for a last-minute pep talk.
    Aliens were perched on parts of the holodeck set, robots were scattered among the bizarre blue trees that Sophia had designed for the outdoor scenes. They were big spheres of Styrofoam stacked on top of each other. Everything was on wheels, ready to be whisked in and out by the stage crew at Ivy’s command.
    Camilla hopped up on to an alien sculpture from the party scene to address the group. ‘You all look amazing and you’ve worked so hard. Our play is going to be in a galaxy of its own.’ She looked very professional, dressed in a black suit with a moon rock necklace. ‘Special praise goes to Sophia Hewitt for the incredible costumes and to Garrick for all the extra time he put in memorising his lines.’
    Olivia had butterflies in her stomach that hadmutated into alien creatures that threatened to burst out of her and do a little dance on the table. Opening night meant no more air-kissing. This was it.
    ‘And remember: yorg zup fandiot.’ Camilla saluted and strode away.
    ‘What on earth does that mean?’ Olivia asked Jackson, who looked like a real cyborg in his metal and wires.
    Jackson shrugged. ‘Probably Martian for “Break a leg”.’
    Olivia giggled. ‘I hope not! Can you imagine how funny Garrick would look writhing around even more than he already does!’
    She glanced at her Romezog, who was sitting in the corner on a silver four-poster bed from Juliteron’s bedroom scenes with his head in his hands – all ten of them.
    That doesn’t look good
, Olivia thought.
    ‘Thirty minutes until curtain,’

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