LPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell
system. The
     shell is also your interactive interface to your system. When you first
     start a shell, it does some automated housekeeping to get ready for your
     use, and then presents a command prompt. The command prompt tells you
     that the shell is ready to accept commands from its standard
     input device, which is usually the keyboard. Shells can run
     standalone, as on a physical terminal, or within a window in a GUI
     environment. Whichever the case, their use is the same.
    Shell variable basics
    During execution, bash maintains a
     set of shell variables that contain information
     important to the execution of the shell. Most of these variables are
     set when bash starts, but they can be set
     manually at any time.
    The first shell variable of interest in this topic is calledPS1, which simply stands for Prompt String
     1 . This special variable holds the contents of the command
     prompt that are displayed when bash is ready to
     accept commands (there is also a PS2 variable, used when bash needs multiple-line input to complete a
     command). You can easily display the contents of PS1, or any other
     shell variable, by using the
command with the
     variable name preceded by the
$ echo $PS1 \$
output tells us that
     PS1 contains the two characters
. The backslash character
     tells the shell not to interpret the dollar symbol in any special way
     (that is, as a metacharacter , described later in
     this section). A simple dollar sign was the default prompt for sh , but bash offers options
     to make the prompt much more informative. On your system, the default
     prompt stored in PS1 is probably something like:
[\u@\h \W]\$
    Each of the characters preceded by backslashes has a special
     meaning to bash , whereas those without
     backslashes are interpreted literally. In this example,
is replaced by the username,
is replaced by the system’s hostname,
is replaced by the unqualified
     path (or basename) of the current working directory, and
is replaced by a
character (unless you are root , in which case
is replaced by
). This yields a prompt of the form:
[adam@linuxpc adam]$
    How your prompt is formulated is really just a convenience and
     does not affect how the shell interprets your commands. However,
     adding information to the prompt, particularly regarding system, user,
     and directory location, can make life easier when hopping from system
     to system and logging in as multiple users (as yourself and root , for example). See the online documentation on bash for more information on customizing
     prompts, including many more options you can use to display system
     information in your prompt.
    Another shell variable that is extremely important during
     interactive use is
, which
     contains a list of all the directories that hold commands or other
     programs you are likely to execute. A default path is set up for you
     when bash starts. You may wish to modify the
     default to add other directories that hold programs you need to
    Every file in the Linux filesystem can be specified in terms
     of its location. The less program, for example,
     is located in the directory /usr/bin . Placing /usr/bin in your
enables you to execute less by simply typing
rather than the explicit
    Also be aware that " . " (the current
     directory) is not included in the
either implicitly (as it is in DOS ) or explicitly for security reasons. To
     execute a program named foo in the current
     directory, simply run
    For bash to find and execute the command
     you enter at the prompt, the command must be one of the
built-in command that is part of bash itself
An executable program located in a directory listed in the
An executable program whose filename you specify
    The shell holds
     other variables for its own use. However, many of the shell’s
     variables are needed during the execution of

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