Loving You (The Jade Series #3)
heart is beating really fast and I’m tapping my foot on the floor. I need to calm down and act like everything is normal.  
    The doctor goes over Frank’s lab results which are all improving. Then he tells Ryan that he’s reducing Frank’s medications, saying that Frank will continue to improve when he doesn’t have the side effects of all those meds he was taking.
    By the time the doctor is done talking, it sounds like Frank is doing really well. So is this doctor helping him? Or is he lying about Frank’s test results? I think back to what Frank said about the doctor who took care of my mother for all those years. He said Sinclair paid the doctor to give my mom pills that made her hallucinate so people would think she was crazy. What if this doctor is doing something bad to Frank? But Frank seems to be getting better. He definitely looks better.  
    Ryan and Frank ask the doctor some questions before we leave. Then the doctor escorts us back to the waiting room.  
    “It was nice meeting you, Jade.” The doctor smiles at me. He seems like a nice guy. So maybe he’s actually helping Frank. But he’s part of that secret medical group that only works with rich, important people, so what is he doing here?  
    As we’re walking out, I go over and take the magazine that had Ava on the cover. I know it’s stealing, but I have to show this to Garret.
    During lunch, I keep quiet while Frank and Ryan talk. I don’t even hear what they’re saying. My mind is too busy thinking about that doctor as well as that magazine article. I really need to talk to Garret about all of this. But not over the phone. I need to wait until he gets here.

    Garret arrives at Frank’s house around noon on Saturday. I greet him at the door, beyond excited to see him. A week apart seems more like a month. That’s completely pathetic and I’m ashamed of myself for even feeling that way, but it doesn’t change the fact that I miss that boy like crazy when he’s not around.
    “It’s good to see you again,” Frank says as Garret walks in.  
    Ryan says hello as well. We all sit and talk for a few minutes, then I take Garret back to my room. We kiss the second the door shuts.  
    “Damn, I’ve missed you,” he says against my lips, his forehead resting on mine.  
    “Did you check into your hotel, yet?”
    “Not yet.” He steps back and smiles. “Do you want to come with me to check in?”
    “Definitely. Let’s go.” I drag him back to the living room where Frank and Ryan are watching TV. “I’m going with Garret to check into his hotel. I’ll be back soon.”
    There’s awkward silence. I feel my cheeks heating up as Frank and Ryan look at me like they know exactly what I’ll be doing there. I race outside before either one of them can say anything.
    At the hotel Garret and I can’t get to the room fast enough. He opens the door and we kiss as it closes behind us.  
    He takes my shirt off as we walk to the bed. I undo his pants, not breaking the kiss. In less than a minute our clothes litter the floor. I lie down on the bed and he gets on top of me.  
    “What about your chest?” I ask between kisses.
    “Don’t worry about it.” His lips trail across my cheek and down the side of my neck.
    “But I thought you couldn’t—”  
    “It’s okay.” His hand skims over my hip making me shiver. Going without him the past week has made my body extra sensitive to his touch. His mouth moves to my breast and I arch back as sensations ignite through my core. He rotates off me onto his side and his hand moves farther down. He runs it along the inside of my thighs, just barely brushing the area between and driving me crazy.  
    His lips return to mine and his tongue thrusts into my mouth as his hand finally hits the spot that is now aching for him.  
    I reach down and touch him.  
    “Jade.” His voice is deep, his eyelids heavy. His kisses grow slower and deeper.  
    My body’s on fire, desperate to be with him again. I

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