Loving You (The Jade Series #3)
the hospital, so we decided to celebrate it tomorrow.”
    “So what are we doing?” I ask.
    “We’re going for our usual Christmas dinner at the casino, but Ryan and I aren’t having our eating contest this year. I’d never be able to keep up with him. My stomach shrunk while I was in the hospital living on gelatin and broth.”
    Frank and his dad have this contest every year at Thanksgiving and Christmas to see who can eat the most food at the buffet. Ryan almost always wins.
    “I could beat you, Ryan,” I say, challenging him. “It’s about time you let me compete in that contest.”
    “You weigh like 100 pounds. I can easily eat more than you.”
    “More like 115. And weight doesn’t matter. I know I can beat you.”  

    The next day, we go to the buffet and Ryan ends up eating more. I didn’t even come close to beating him.  
    Back at the house, Ryan pulls out a small stack of presents from the coat closet. I have gifts for them, too, but I didn’t expect anything in return. With all the stuff going on with his dad the past couple weeks, I was sure Ryan wouldn’t have time to shop.  
    “You first, Frank.” I hand him my gift, which is a photo album I put together. It’s nothing fancy. Just some photos I took over the semester that I printed out and put in an album.  
    “I love it. This is perfect.” Frank is almost crying as he flips through the pages. The meds he’s on must be making him emotional because he isn’t a very emotional guy and the album isn’t that great.
    “It’s not much,” I say. “But since you can’t get to Connecticut to see where I live I thought I’d show you in pictures.”
    “That was really nice, Jade.” Now Ryan seems emotional. What’s the deal with these two?
    “Open yours.” I hand Ryan a small package. Inside is a collection of cassette tapes I found at a used record store in New York. They were super cheap so I got a bunch. “Now you won’t be stuck listening to the radio when you drive out to get me. I figure there’s enough there to fill 22 hours of driving.”
    “Thanks, Jade. This is awesome.” Ryan likes my gift more than I thought he would. I guess I didn’t do too bad this year on present selection. I’m usually not very good at it.
    “I know you’ll probably have that car for a few more years, so you might as well make use of the cassette player. I picked your favorite bands.”
    “I see that. Thanks.” He gets up and hands me a small box. “Now your turn.”
    I rip off the paper and find a wooden box containing a set of five black and silver pens. I kind of collect pens. I’m not sure when it started or why, but over the years I’ve accumulated quite a few. Most of them are freebie pens from hotels or banks, so it’s not that great of a collection.  
    “Thanks. These are really fancy. And they have their own little case.”
    “We figured since you’re in college now, it was time to get you some higher quality pens.”  
    Ryan hands me an envelope next. Inside is a gift card for my favorite sporting goods store so I can replenish my running gear as needed.  
    Frank and Ryan exchange gifts next and then Frank goes to take a nap while Ryan and I watch TV. It turns out to be a really great Christmas, even though it’s not actually Christmas day.
    The rest of the week is filled with movies, bowling, and playing cards. Ryan convinced his boss to give him some time off from work so he could do stuff with me while Frank rests. Chloe, Ryan’s girlfriend, has to work all week, which I’m secretly happy about. I like her, but I’m still not that comfortable around her and it would’ve been awkward to have her hang out with us.  
    On Friday, Ryan and I take Frank back to the hospital. He has an appointment with the new doctor Ryan told me about.  
    After an hour of sitting in the waiting room, a nurse finally comes up to Ryan. “The doctor will be out shortly to take you back to his office. He’ll be going over your

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