Loving the Lawman (Roses of Ridgeway)

Loving the Lawman (Roses of Ridgeway) by Kianna Alexander Page A

Book: Loving the Lawman (Roses of Ridgeway) by Kianna Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kianna Alexander
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    Gregory spoke, but didn't look up from his book. "Weather's taking an ugly turn. You ladies better pack it in."
    A flash of lightning punctuated his words.
    Prudence and Prissy appeared, dragging Lilly's sewing table from the storeroom in the back of the building.
    Prissy leaned against the oak table. "Where do you want this?"
    Lilly waved her hand. "We'll see about it later. We need to get on home before the weather gets too bad."
    The two women pushed the table against the far wall, and before they could even get it in place, the sky opened. From her vantage point at the window, Valerie could see the fat, heavy raindrops falling diagonally outside. "Oh, boy. Think we can wait it out?"
    Gregory put his book aside and stood, straightening the heavy looking gun-belt around his waist. He came to stand next to Valerie, and observed the scene outside. "It's pretty rough out there. We'd better wait a bit, see if it's just a passing squall."
    Valerie wiped her hands on the old apron covering her denims and work shirt, hoping to remove a bit of the white paint. She and the other girls tidied up as they waited for the storm to pass, or at least calm enough for them to get out of the building.
    When they'd put away their supplies, they all gathered behind Gregory, taking seats on one of the cloth draped tables Lilly would be using to display some of her goods.
    No one spoke.
    The wind howled like an angry wolf as big raindrops continued to fall, pelting the roof and windows like tiny stones. Thunder rumbled just overhead, signaling how close the storm was. Every few moments, a bright flash of lightning illuminated the darkened sky.
    In the past, Valerie had taken pleasure in thunderstorms. The sounds of nature had always brought about a sense of peace for her, and she'd often curl up in her window seat and take a nap as the storm raged outside.
    But this storm was different.
    There was something ominous in the swirling winds, heavy rains, and the rolling thunder. A dark, frightening edge that she'd never felt before.
    No, this wasn't just an autumn thunderstorm, passing through town to water the crops.
    This storm seemed more like an omen.
    In the semi- darkness of Lilly's shop, she raised her hand to her chest, and covered her heart with it.
    Something terrible was coming to Ridgeway, something much more frightening than a storm.
    In time, the sounds of the thunder grew fainter, and the rain slackened a bit.
    Prissy broke the silence. "Lordy. Feels like I been holding my breath this whole time."
    The others nodded in agreement, and Valerie wondered if they all felt the same sense of foreboding that had filled her. Thinking it better not to ask, lest she upset her friends, she kept her feelings to herself.
    Gregory clapped his hands together. "Alright, ladies. Into your cloaks so I can get you all home."
    As the girls shrugged into their outer garments, Lilly stifled a yawn. "I don't feel like riding all the way out to the farm. I'll take a room over at the Taylor."
    Prudence, who lived even a bit farther from town, giggled. "I'll be your room mate."
    Gregory opened the door, and held it for them. "After you, ladies."
    They filed outside, with Valerie going last. The softly falling rain felt cool on her face as they all crossed the street toward the Taylor Hotel.
    Once Gregory had seen Lilly and Prudence safely inside, he turned to her. "Miss Valerie, I'll see you to the mercantile, then I'll escort Miss Parker home."
    She nodded, and the three of them crossed the road in the opposite direction. A short trip down the walk brought them to the mercantile. Waving to Prissy and the deputy, she ascended the stairs to the upper apartment.
    Bernard was sitting in the kitchen, with a lit oil lantern and an open issue of Fireside Companion on the table. Next to his periodical was a steaming cup of coffee. "Evening, Val."
    "Hi, Papa." She leaned down to kiss his brow. "Where's Mama?"
    "Already gone to bed. You know how storms make her

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