Loving Charley
look through the closet when there is a light knock on my door.
“Come in!” I holler.
    Cash, Piper, and Joe enter.
They each have a drink, and I know this is going to be an epic
night. The question is, who is going to be the DD? Cash typically
doesn’t drink when I do, but for some reason tonight, we are both
letting loose. I can only hope that this is in more ways than
    “Celebratin,’ are we?” I
    “Well, I figured I could
have a couple before we leave then I can drive back,” Cash
    “I have a better idea. Why
don’t we let Sarah drive the Love Machine, and we all let
    I can see the struggle in
Cash’s eyes. We both need to let go, but there is the underlying
factor that this isn’t over with Dylan yet. Piper and Joe look at
each other and take a step in the hallway and excuse themselves to
Caroline’s room.
    I set my cup on the dresser
and move closer to Cash. Placing my hands on his chest, I look into
those eyes that tell me what he’s thinking in his soul.
    “Cash, one night. We have everyone we
need by our sides. He can’t touch us tonight. Please, let’s forget
about everything and live in the moment.”
    “Char-coal, this is
something I promised myself that I’d always do for you. I’ll never
let anyone hurt you again. Never ,” he says as he brushes his
hand in my hair.
    Looking into his eyes, I
beg him, “Please, Cash Money. Just tonight. Let’s forget everything
and focus on us because we don’t know what’s going to happen in the
    “I know what’s going to happen in the
future, and I’m staring into her eyes right now. I have no doubts
about court, our future, or us. You are it. End of
    I bat my eyelashes and
smile a little more seductively, while Cash shakes his head before
giving into me, because he knows as well as I do a Southern
girl always gets
her way. Then, he seals his statement with a kiss. Taking me by the
hand, we go to see what everyone is doing in Caroline’s
    As we enter, all eyes turn
to us. “What?” I question.
    Hayden proceeds to say what
everyone else is thinking. “So, are y’all finally gonna live a
little? Seriously, this mushy lovey-dovey mess is getting old. I
mean, it’s time to, ya know,” she says as she stands and starts to
move her hips in a way I never want to see again, but can’t help
but crack a smile. The entire room erupts in laughter, and I go to
fill my cup again. It doesn’t take long for the effects of the
alcohol to fill my veins. I decide to stop after this cup. I want
to have fun, but I still need a little control.
    Once we finish our cups, we
all excuse ourselves to get ready for Hank’s. Cash goes with Joe to
his room while Piper and I get ready. This way I can finally talk
to her about what is going on. We tell the guys not to be gone
long, and as soon as the door is shut, I’m on Piper like white on
    “Start talkin’,” I say as
she begins to grab her clothes from her bag.
    “What ever are you talkin’
about?” she asks with just a hint of sarcasm.
    “You know damn well what
I’m talkin’ ‘bout. Now, spill it.”
    She plops onto my bed.
“Ohmygosh! Char. It. Was. Ah-mah-zing!”
    “Uh hum… so, are y’all
    “I sure hope so! But
anyways, Char, never in my life have I met a guy who can make me
feel that way. I mean, I know this is kinda fast, but I totally get
what you mean about just knowing when you’ve found the
    “It’s hard to believe that
Little Miss Pull ‘Em on a String has found her match!”
    “Charley! I can’t believe
you just called me that, but I guess it’s true. I just don’t want
to leave and go back to school.”
    “Girl, we’re in the same
boat except mine is leaving me. It’s gonna be fine; at least you
have me here. Joe and I might help keep each other sane. I think we
need to make this a night to remember, whatcha think?”
    “I couldn’t agree more,”
she says as she pulls out a way too short

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