Love on the Horizon (A Northern Woods Novel)

Love on the Horizon (A Northern Woods Novel) by Charliann Roberts Page A

Book: Love on the Horizon (A Northern Woods Novel) by Charliann Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charliann Roberts
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when we left.”
    “Sarah and I went for makeovers
yesterday, but only for our hair. We decided our bodies were seductive enough
already.” She grinned and fluttered her lashes.
    “You’re beautiful, sweetheart.
You don’t need any type of makeover. Your hair looks very nice though.”
    “Are you trying to butter me up
for something?” she asked and raised her brows with a glint in her eyes.
    “We were looking for a good meal,
Ma’am, weren’t we cowboy?”
    “I’m hungry, Mommy. All we had
was fish and hot dogs, but that was a long time ago.”
    Mariah playfully tapped his nose
with the end of her forefinger, and gave them both a kiss.  “Let’s go then, I
have fried chicken and fresh potato salad waiting for you.”
    “Oh goody,” Nicky said, and
climbed up the steps, ran into the house and let the screen door slam behind
    “Well, I guess the twins will be
awake soon, if that didn’t wake them already,” she laughed, and followed him
    When they stepped into the
kitchen, she looked up at Nick and whispered, “I have some very important
information to tell you, honey.”
    “You look worried; did something
    “I’ll discuss it with you after
Nicky goes to bed.”
    * * *
    “Ah… it feels good to be
home," Nick sighed. He lightly touched Mariah’s hand and leaned back to
admire the sunset and the beautiful scent of wildflowers across the meadow.
    They were sitting in lawn chairs
on the deck, enjoying the cool summer breeze and the early evening chatter of
    He leaned forward in his chair,
placed his elbows on his knees and looked over at Mariah. “What was the
important news you wanted to tell me?"
    She stood and pulled the note
from her pocket. She read it to him, and he rubbed his hands across his face
and shook his head. “Could I see that, please?”
    After he read it to himself, he
looked at Mariah.
    “That was all Sarah heard. When
Anya noticed her coming out of the restroom, she turned in the opposite
direction and sat at a nearby picnic table. She had no idea who Sarah was, and
she didn’t see me waiting near the pond with the twins.”
I keep that, honey? I need to let Jake know about this.”
    She handed him the piece of
    “Let’s retire for the night. The
mosquitoes are beginning to eat us up. Tomorrow will be very busy; I’ll also
have to corner Jake the minute he arrives.”
    He held his hand out to her,
helped her out of her chair, and placed his arm around her waist as they walked
into the house.
    * * *
    With the rise of the sun and a
fresh mug of coffee in his hand, Nick headed outdoors and down the drive that
led to the barn. When he stepped through the stable door, he spotted Art and
motioned him over.
    “Mornin, Nick. How was your trip?
Catch any fish?”
    “A few trout, but we cleaned and
fried them over the campfire. They were mighty good.”
    “You didn’t bring a few home for
    “With two adults and three boys,
there was barely enough for us.” Nick shook his head with a grin. “The boys had
a blast – Nicky’s first camping trip. When we loaded up the car to head home,
he wanted to know how soon we’d be going again. He wouldn’t have cared to leave
the campgrounds if Mariah and the twins had been with us.”
    “Well, it’s good to hear you have
a happy camper to replace me. Don’t think I’d make it out in the woods for more
than one night these days.”
    “Sure you would. You only want an
excuse to stay home with Lillie,” he said teasingly. “Anyway, I need you to
keep an eye out for Jake and let him know I want to see him, pronto.” He
frowned and headed toward his office.
    “More trouble?”
    Nick turned to face him, walking backward
as he answered. “I’ll tell you about it later,” he said, then turned around and
continued walking, anxious to get to his office.
    When Jake knocked on the frame of
the door, Nick motioned for him to come in.
    “Sit down Jake, I have something
to discuss with

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