Love Me If You Bear: Werebear/BBW Paranormal Romance

Love Me If You Bear: Werebear/BBW Paranormal Romance by Roxanne Sweet Page B

Book: Love Me If You Bear: Werebear/BBW Paranormal Romance by Roxanne Sweet Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roxanne Sweet
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coffee shop, chatting like normal. But this time the conversation got a little bit more personal.
    I mentioned offhandedly that he must get a lot of attention from the ladies. I was just joking around, you know? I wasn't trying to pull anything on him. Guys who look like him aren't into girls who look like me - I know that much.
    “Do you see me beating girls off with a stick?” he asked, smiling so I knew he was joking.
    “You must see the way the girls around here look at you,” I told him. “You should have heard the whispers that were going around when you first got here!”
    He just laughed. He didn't seem to even care at all what other girls thought about him. If it was me, I'd have been dying to know what people were saying behind my back!
    “And you, Eden?” he asked. “Where's your boyfriend?”
    “I have lots of boyfriends,” I said, giggling uncomfortably. “Friends who are boys.”
    Something about my attitude must have tipped him off to the truth. “Wait a second,” he said. “Have you ever had one? Seriously, now.”
    I started to babble something about how I had been on dates that hadn't worked out - which isn't true, I've never even gotten that far with a guy - but I didn't really want to lie to him when he had always been so nice to me. “No,” I mumbled.
    He looked shocked, like he couldn't believe it. I have no idea why. Like I said, my looks alone probably explain my complete lack of a love life. “It's okay,” he said. “I don't mind that you didn't tell me that sooner. I've got secrets that you don't know, too.”
    Now I was really curious! But as much as I pressed him for more information, he wouldn't give me any. He wouldn't even tell me one small secret, or even a hint of a secret. I was really mad at him! He knew everything about me, and he wouldn't even tell me one thing about himself.
    I think he let something slip, though. We were getting ready to go, and I asked if I would see him in class on Monday. I almost wanted the answer to be “no,” I was so annoyed with him.
    “Not Monday,” he said. “It's the full - I mean, no, I can't go.”
    I didn't understand the significance at that time, but later on I would start to understand...
    The weekend flew by. Class on Monday was lonely without him, and I didn't feel so mad at him anymore. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten so annoyed in the first place; we had only known each other for two weeks, after all; of course there were going to be things about him I didn't know yet. I just wanted to get to know them eventually. When he came back to class on Tuesday, everything was just like normal again.
    We kept hanging out like that for months, seeing each other in class, getting coffee and lunch together, and hanging out on the weekends, too. We would study together, call each other for homework help, and Facebook chat about nothing at all. I did notice that he would miss school one day a month, but I never asked why. Since that one talk, we hadn't talked about anything personal again. Still, though, I was starting to see him as a really good friend.
    This one time, I brought him along to hang out with me and a couple of my other guy friends at a board game night. I thought they would get along fine. My other friends are a bit nerdier than Asher - I mean, I met them at a board game club - but Asher also has interests outside of sports. Well, let me tell you, it was a disaster!
    From the moment we walked in, my guys were totally rude to Asher. Never mind making him feel welcome in a group of people he didn't know, Ben, Luke, and Mike barely spoke to him at all. Maybe he's used to other guys being mean to him because of his looks, but he took it pretty well. I just wish he hadn't had to deal with that.
    I think when I was in the bathroom they must have said something to him. When I came out, they were all kind of quiet, and Asher was looking particularly uncomfortable. I

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