Love Me If You Bear: Werebear/BBW Paranormal Romance

Love Me If You Bear: Werebear/BBW Paranormal Romance by Roxanne Sweet Page A

Book: Love Me If You Bear: Werebear/BBW Paranormal Romance by Roxanne Sweet Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roxanne Sweet
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like a little sister. Maybe it's because of my weight, or maybe just something about my personality. I don't know... But hey, I wouldn't want to date most of them either!
    The other thing is that, even though they're also nerdy, most of my friends are sexually active. Or they want to be, at least. It doesn’t matter that much. I hang out with the people I enjoy spending time with. I don't judge my friends for what they do, as long as they don't judge me for what I don't do!
    So yeah, me and Asher went to the coffee shop in the business building. I hate being around all those puffed-up, self-important business students, but it was the nearest coffee shop. And they do make some good coffee there.
    As we walked in, I could tell people were looking at us. Like, what is she doing with him? I wanted to yell at them, “we're not together! Just friends!”. Even though, well, by that point I was kind of wishing it could be something more. But I can always use a new friend, so I wasn't about to complain.
    We got coffee and sat down and Asher started asking me all about the college and the city. “Where do people hang out? What is there to do on the weekends? But before long, he seemed to have forgotten to worry about what his new life here would be like, and he was just asking me questions about me. My life, my hopes, my goals - everything! He seemed so completely fascinated by me. Me! I'm just about the least interesting person out there!
    I felt like a movie star being interviewed when he was asking me all those questions. To be honest, when he kept being awed by everything I would say, he almost made me feel like I actually was interesting. Like the way I was captain of the swim team in high school but then I broke my ankle and never got back into swimming. It's true, not everyone has had that experience. I just never thought I was that special.
    The only thing I didn't like about him was... Well, this is going to sound dumb! At one point, he pushed up his sleeves. It was September, right? Pretty cool out, but indoors it was warmer and I had taken off my jacket too. Anyway, he pushed up his sleeves, and his arms were hairy.
    I don't mean like normal hairy. They were, like, super super hairy. I actually stared at them for a minute - I hope he didn't notice! Maybe he did, actually, because he pushed his sleeves down again pretty quick. Even then, I could still see all the hair on his hands that I hadn't noticed before. It went all the way up the back of his hands to his knuckles. They were really buff, with muscles popping out all over the place. He’s still a super hot guy! I just found it pretty, you know, weird.
    We had another class together the next day, and we sat together again. And we got coffee again after. Same with the next day - in fact, on Wednesdays we have two classes together! I didn't see him again until Monday's class, and I kind of worried that he would forget about me. I could already see he was making friends on campus; he would chat with other people before I got to class, or wave at somebody I didn't know as we walked around between buildings. But all his other friends seemed to be guys. Of course, that didn't necessarily mean anything!
    By that Wednesday, we were so used to hanging out together that it was me who suggested hanging out together on the weekend. He accepted right away. We decided that I would show him around town. He had barely left campus, aside from going to his apartment.
    On Saturday afternoon, he picked me up from my place. He has a car and I don't, so there wasn't much debate about that. We decided to go downtown and walk around a little bit. It's a small city and it is a bit of a student town, so even just staying on campus he really hadn't missed much. But there are some cute coffee shops and art galleries in the city. There are bars, too, of course, but that's not really my thing!
    So we just drove around a little bit. We ended up just at a

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