Love and Louis XIV: The Women in the Life of the Sun King
The château of Saint-Germain-en-Laye, 17th century French School. château
Bussy-le-Grand, Bussy-le-Grand (photo: Giraudon/ Bridgeman Art Library).
Louis XIV aged around twelve years old, 17th century French School.
Châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon (© Photo RMN).
Louis XIV dressed as Apollo for the ballet La Nuit, 1653. Bibliothèque nationale
de France, Department of Prints & Photographs.
Equestrian portrait of Anne of Austria, c. 1640, attributed to Jean de Saint-
Igny. Châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon (© Photo RMN/Gérard Blot).
Louis XIV, c. 1660, studio of Nicolas Mignard. Musée des Beaux-Arts, Angers
(© Cliché Musées d'Angers, photo: Pierre David).
Reputation Presenting France with a Portrait of Louis XIV, c. 1665, by Louis Elle
Ferdinand II. Musée Antoine Lécuyer, Saint-Quentin (photo: Jean Legrain).
Anne-Marie-Louise d'Orléans, known as the Grande Mademoiselle,
represented as Minerva, c. 1672, by Pierre Bourguignon. Châteaux de Versailles
et de Trianon (© Photo RMN/Gérard Blot & Christian Jean).
Hortense and Marie Mancini, date unknown, by Jacob Ferdinand Voet.
I.N.P.D.A.I, Rome (photo: Arte Photographica).
The Meeting of Louis XIV and Philippe IV on the Île des Faisans, c. 1670, by Simon
Renard de Saint-André. Châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon (© Photo
RMN/Jean Popovitch).
Anne of Austria, Marie-Thérèse and the Dauphin, c. 1665, by Charles and
Henri Beaubrun. Musée Bernard d'Agesci, Niort.
Marie-Thérèse and the Dauphin Louis de France, 1665, by Pierre Mignard.
Prado, Madrid (photo: Giraudon/ Bridgeman Art Library).
Anne of Austria, date unknown, by Charles Beaubrun. Galleria Sabauda, Turin
(photo: Alinari/ Bridgeman Art Library).
Louis XIV at Maastricht, 1673, by Pierre Mignard. Galleria Sabauda, Turin
(photo: Scala).
Louis XIV Retreating with his Seraglio, 1693, anonymous engraving. The Trustees
of the British Museum, Department of Prints & Drawings.
Louise de La Vallière, date unknown, by Jean Nocret. Châteaux de Versailles
et de Trianon (© Photo RMN/Gérard Blot).
Louise de La Vallière as a huntress, 1667, after Claude Lefebvre. Châteaux de
Versailles et de Trianon (© Photo RMN/Gérard Blot).
Athénaïs de Rochechouart de Mortemart, Marquise de Montespan, date
unknown, by Louis Elle Ferdinand II. Collection: Author.
Athénaïs reclining in front of the gallery of her château at Clagny, date
unknown, by Henri Gascard. Private Collection (photo: Giraudon/ Bridgeman
Art Library).
Portrait of Athénaïs, date unknown, attributed to Pierre Mignard. Musée du
Berry, Bourges (photo: Giraudon/ Bridgeman Art Library).
The Appartement des Bains at Versailles depicted on a fan, c. 1680. Victoria &
Albert Musuem, London (photo. © V & A Images).
Spottallegorie auf Ludwig XIV, c. 1670, by Joseph Werner (photo: courtesy of
Schweizerisches Institut für Kunstwissenschaft, Zürich).
Marie-Angélique d'Escorailles de Rousille, Duchesse de Fontanges, 1687,
engraving by Nicolas de Larmessin III. Châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon
(© Photo RMN/Gérard Blot).
Madame de Maintenon, date and artist unknown. Château de Chambord (photo:
The Art Archive/Dagli Orti).
Madame de Maintenon with the Duc du Maine and the Comte de Vexin,
date and artist unknown. Château de Maintenon (photo: The Art Archive/Dagli
Frontispiece to Scarron aparu à Madame de Maintenon et les reproches qu'il lui fait
sur ses amours avec Louis le Grand, 1664, by Paul Scarron (courtesy of The British
Madame de Maintenon with her niece Françoise-Charlotte, c. 1688, by Louis
Elle Ferdinand II. Châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon (© Photo RMN/Gérard
The ‘Secret Notebooks' of Madame de Maintenon. Bibliothèque municipale de
Madame de Maintenon as St Frances of Rome, c. 1694, by Pierre Mignard.
Châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon (photo: Giraudon/ Bridgeman Art Library).
King David Playing the Harp, c. 1619-20, by Domenicho

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