Lost Her (Lost #1)

Lost Her (Lost #1) by Ginger Sharp

Book: Lost Her (Lost #1) by Ginger Sharp Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ginger Sharp
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equality in a relationship. Why would all the stresses be applied to one partner to carry the load of making money?”
    Rosalie is nodding at me, “That would sound like an ideal relationship. Both sides working and making the pieces come together. But that is an odd reason to hate her.”
    I glance at her, “There is more to it. Mom is mom and Livi was not what my Mom wanted for me. She wanted me to marry a nice Italian girl from a good family with no baggage. She thought Livi was a whore with no morals and swore she liked to get me in trouble fighting.”
    “Why would your mother say such a thing? Ryan, have you always had jealousy issues and do you lose your temper?” she peers at me.
    I nod yes. “I lost my temper once . I beat my roommate bloodied and unconscious,” I see Rosalie’s mouth drop so I continue to tell her about a very private matter that happened to Livi and I. “Livi and I were dating pretty seriously for over a year. My roommate Pete was getting tired of her always being around and curbing my need to party with all the wild girls like we did in the past. He and I actually argued about it the night before the incident. I had hockey practices that were added to my schedule and I was falling behind with my studies. Livi was to meet me back in my apartment to study for our finals before winter break. My practice was cut short by the coach since we worked hard. I tried calling her several times to see if she would meet me for some dinner. She was not answering her phone or the apartment phone. I headed to the apartment. I walk in and she is not at the table, but her books and phone are. I hear noises from my room and my door is slightly ajar. I push open the door and she, Livi was naked on my bed. Pete with his shirt off and with his face at Livi’s chest. I yell out, what the hell and I pulling Pete off of her and we are fighting on the floor. I get on top of him and just keep punching him in the face until he is knocked out cold. I sit on top of him for moment taking in all the blood on him and all over my hands.
    Then I hear gurgling noises and labored breathing. I realize the sound is coming from Livi. I jump up and look down at her. I shake her with my hands getting blood on her. She is foaming and drooling at her mouth. Her eyes are rolled back in to her head. I tear the sheets off the mattress wrapping them around her. I run down the hallway out the door to my car. Morgan, from my hockey team, who was coming back to the apartments looked at me carrying Livi and follows me to the car where I place her in the front passenger seat. He sees the blood on me. I tell him to stay with her and that I had to get Pete. I run carrying Pete out and throw him in the backseat. Morgan looks at me not knowing what happened and just points out for me to drive. The hospital is only half a mile away at the bottom of Mountain Avenue. I pull up to the emergency doors, jump out picking up Livi to carry her in to the hospital. A man pushed a stretcher toward me and had me place her on a stretcher. I just stare down at Livi waiting for him to help her. He asks what happened to her and I just shake my head to stutter out that she was in my bed.
    He looks at me and the blood, a re you hurt? I shake my head no and remember that Pete was in the car. I have one more person in the car, I say to him. He motions to another person to go to the car. He tells me to sit in that chair right there, they will need information on the injured. I sit noticing a security guard watching me as he speaks into a phone. A nurse comes and asks me for names, but I am just in shock. Before, I knew I was not speaking; a cop car pulls up outside the door and in walk two police officers. The security guard nods in my direction and they walk speedily to me. The questioning begins and I keep shaking my head, still in shock from what I saw, thought and the reality of not knowing what was going on. The Officer asked me again, so the girl was on your

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