Lost Her (Lost #1)

Lost Her (Lost #1) by Ginger Sharp Page A

Book: Lost Her (Lost #1) by Ginger Sharp Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ginger Sharp
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bed, right. So, what were you planning to do to her? I looked at him shaking no with my head; I just walked in the door from hockey practice. Whose blood is that, as he pointed to my hand and shirt? I respond, Pete’s blood. And on the girl? I look up at the Officer and tell him. That is Pete’s blood on Livi. I touched her after I beat him. Cop looked at me and frowned, we are going to have to take you in to custody for more questioning. I pull my phone from my pants and the Officer grabs it from me. I look at him and say to him, I have to call the Attorney General, Henry McGraw. The Officer laughed at me and said that he could not help me. But I have to tell him his daughter is in the hospital. The officer pauses and looks at me. He hands me my phone back and allows me to call Henry. It was obvious the Officer did not want to make that phone call. The officers listen to what I say to Henry. Henry is screaming at me on the phone and asks to speak with one of the officers. The Officer takes the phone and keeps glancing at me nervously. He ends the call and hands the phone back to me. He says to call your parents and get legal counsel immediately.
    Before I can get off the phone with my screaming mother, I see Henry storming through the door with his assistant and security detail. He runs up to me and grabs me by the throat and lifts me off my feet up to his six foot four inches to look me in the eyes. You better have not hurt her, he said glaring into my eyes. He drops me back to my feet. Then he storms off in the direction to wherever they took Livi. The cops and security detail stay with me watching over me closely. I hear my name coming from the door and see my coach walking toward me. He is just shaking his head at me in disgust and says quietly that Morgan called him to tell him I was in trouble. Henry comes out of a room with a doctor and points at me. He and the doctor walk up to me. She is awake and talking. She’s very groggy but we suspect Pete drugged her, but a blood test will confirm with what drug. She states that she was studying and Pete gave her a glass of soda. She got a headache and went into your room to lie down. She felt as she was burning up and removed her clothing as she opened the bedroom windows to let the cold air in. Last things she remembers is lying in your bed hearing the phone ring. The officers are going to take your house keys and gather evidence from your apartment. I just was in complete shock and hand over my keys.
    My coach has his hand on my shoulder and assures me that he will try to make the punishment for my temper beating be minimal from the school administration. I was tuning out his voice and just kept going back to the image I saw when I opened my door. I think to myself if Pete was in his bedroom, I would have not thought twice to him having a girl in there, I think about what may have happen to Livi and what else could have happened if I did not come home early. My head just keeps going through scenarios.
    A nurse walks over to the doctor with a bunch of papers. He looks at it and speaks in a matter of fact tone; rape kit clean, but does appear that she had intercourse 36-48 hours ago. I speak up not fully knowing what I am saying, that was me, and we were together. Henry whips his head around staring down at me, while his aide pushes him back. The doctor continues to speak; she has a large amount of Rohypnol in her body. For her size, it could have been lethal. Doctor looks at me and says you got to her just in time; you stopped her from being raped and dying from an overdose.
    Henry looks at me placing his hand on my shoulder and whispers a thank you to me. Then he steers me toward the door, you want to see her, boy? I could not say yes fast enough, but my coach said no, that there are disciplinary measures that I have to face back at school. Henry turns to him and speaks so firm, the boy is a hero and I will make sure there are no legal or disciplinary

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