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Book: Lost by Sarah Ann Walker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Ann Walker
Tags: Romance
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taken by surprise by the complete comfort I felt with him in my home.  He was in my home which wasn't typically something I did, and I was okay with it.  Actually, the more I thought about it I realized I was usually the visitor in my relationships. 
      I had moved in with Derek and Joseph when they asked me to, and before we lived together I rarely had them sleep in my own place because I liked my space to remain mine.  Thinking about Peter made me suddenly realize I think I always believed it was easier to leave them when I could do the leaving, rather than forcing them to leave me when I left.

  After Peter's shower, he redressed in his cargo pants, awesome black sweater, and kissed me on the lips before leaving my room and heading out my front door for coffee, just before I jumped in the shower, shaved quickly and washed and conditioned my hair even quicker. 
      In the shower I found myself obsessing over all things Peter.  From the way he slept practically on top of me, to his complete ease and security of speech when we debated, I couldn’t stop thinking about him.  I just couldn’t get over how amazing he seemed.
      Actually, I suddenly found myself wondering why he wasn't married already with 2 kids and a beautiful wife, which totally stressed me out.  So I decided in the shower I had enough insecurity regarding Peter at that moment and I'd let that one go.

  After my shower, when I practically ran for my bedroom in a towel to change, I dressed for comfort, but attractively.  I didn't know what our day was going to be like, but I liked the thought of spending it with Peter.
  Once dressed, with my hair dried I made my way to the living room and Peter.  Sitting on my couch with his feet hanging over the edge of my coffee table, he was sipping his coffee looking way too good in my home.
  “I'm never going to be able to hear this song again without thinking of you,” he absently breathed into the room.  So listening, I realized it was Green Eyes by Coldplay.
  “I really do have blue eyes, Peter.”
  “You really don't, Sophie.  Blue may be the dominant shade, but your eyes really do highlight as green, especially with all the amber within your irises.  I'm going to take a picture of your eyes and show you just how green they look in certain lighting.”
  “Okay,” I agreed sitting down beside him as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
  “I bought you your French vanilla with 2 shots of chocolate to really put you in a good mood,” he teased.
  “Thank you, but I'm in a pretty good mood without the chocolate,” I whispered.
  “Me too... I enjoy being with you.  I just wish you relaxed a little more with me.  You're so guarded sometimes, it's almost painful to watch,” he said as he kissed my head.
  “I...” But I faltered.
  “It's okay.  I'll show you I'm a good guy and then you can drop your guard a little.  I have to keep reminding myself that we've really only known each other for the last 6 days.  It's hard because I feel good when I'm with you, and I feel like I've known you for so long, our actual time together seems to surprise me.”
  “Me, too.  I was thinking earlier that I liked having you in my home.  Or more like I'm okay with it, and that's not usually the case.  I kind of like having my space and solitude in my own apart-”
  “Soph!  Sophie, open up!” I jumped when I suddenly heard Steven at my door.
  “Holy shit!  It's my brother!” I yelled in a weird panic as Peter sat up straighter.
  “Sophie... We're having coffee on a Saturday morning, totally clothed,” he grinned. 
      Knowing I looked like an immature idiot by my behavior, I calmed down and smiled at my stupidity, even though it did feel like we were doing much more together.  We were physically clothed and decent, but our closeness seemed to suggest a kind of intimacy I didn't want Steven to see yet.
  “Just give me a second to get rid of

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