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Book: Lost by Sarah Ann Walker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Ann Walker
Tags: Romance
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brushing and anti-sex pep talk before walking into my room and calling him to follow me as I stood against the wall. 
      Standing in my room as Peter joined me was awkward, I remember that.  It was awkward the moment Peter walked into my bedroom, looked around, then paused like he didn't know how to get into my bed.
  “Where do you usually sleep?” He spoke softly.
  “Right on this side, facing out, so I think I'll be able to see and prevent an intruder before he kills me,” I said laughing at myself.
  “Okay, then.  I'll be against the wall so you can get the intruder for me,” he replied pulling my comforter down and sliding into my bed against the far wall.
  Looking at Peter as he lay down, I was suddenly struck with almost a pain in my chest.  There was something about that moment with him, something so promising and hopeful, I found myself feeling emotional.  I couldn't explain it, and I actually hated the feeling in my chest.  But it was there anyway, nearly bringing me to tears.
  “Come here, Sophie,” Peter whispered on his side with his arms open, and I did.
  Sliding in next to him, I let him pull me into his arms while he spooned me warm.  Kissing my neck gently, Peter whispered in my ear, “What do you want, Sophie?”
  And before I could stop myself, I whispered back, “To be adored...”
      After my words, I was glad he didn't acknowledge what I said, and I was relieved he didn't throw out some meaningless words.  We were too new to feel that intensely for each other, but my statement hung in the air around us, even as Peter wrapped his arms tighter around me, resting against my back in silence.
  In our silence, I realized that was exactly what I wanted, and what I’d been missing in my life.  I had been loved and cared for, and I had created situations filled with love and acceptance.  I had people respect and love me since I could remember, even as a child.  But I had never felt adored.
      In our silence I realized that is what I had been looking for my whole life- the man who would adore me.  
      When I woke up the next morning I was hot as hell.  Actually, I was nearly suffocating with Peter wrapped all over me.  His face was in my neck, and I was leaning on my side with one of his thighs under my back and the other leg thrown over me.  I had his arm wrapped around my chest and I was so uncomfortable and overheated, I almost panicked.
  Pushing Peter off me while trying to edge out from under his leg proved a challenge though.  For an average sized man he held me in almost a death grip.  Pushing again, I moved my head to look at his face and that's when I saw him smiling at me.
  “Jesus!  You're so friggin hot.  Would you mind getting off me,” I asked with a huff making Peter laugh at me as I continued to push at him. “If you ever sleep over again, remind me to open the window, even in the dead of winter, okay?”
  “Yup, I'll remind you when I sleep over again.  Even in a blizzard,” he again laughed at me and my distress.
  Sitting up, I remember having to wipe my brow of my matted down sweaty hair, while glaring at him. “ When you sleep over again?”
  “Yup.  When.   So what do you want to do this morning?” He asked looking at the clock.
  “Well, I'm going to have a cold shower to lower my core body temperature to acceptable levels, then I think coffee to start.”
  “How about I rinse off quick then go get us coffee while you shower?  Sound good?”
  “That sounds excellent.  But would you mind getting me a French vanilla with a shot of chocolate?  I like to start my weekends off with a little chocolate,” I said grinning.
  “No problem.  Just give me a minute,” he replied while fighting his way out of the sheets and blankets he had nearly destroyed in the night. 
  Watching him walk out of my room to the bathroom, I was again

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