Lorik The Defender (The Lorik Trilogy)

Lorik The Defender (The Lorik Trilogy) by Toby Neighbors

Book: Lorik The Defender (The Lorik Trilogy) by Toby Neighbors Read Free Book Online
Authors: Toby Neighbors
Tags: Sci Fi & Fantasy
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men fell and the queen’s maidens pounced on them. Some wrestled away the men’s weapons, others dropped down, driving their knees into the men’s backs and heads so that they couldn’t move.
    Lorik pulled Queen Issalyn up from the stool and she wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his chest, sobbing.
    “Are you hurt?” Lorik asked.
    She shook her head.
    “Vera,” Lorik said, obviously unsure what he should do.
    Vera and Trinad came forward. Vera helped the queen to let go of Lorik, who turned to Trinad. The older man was ashen and visibly shaken.
    “Do we have a stockade?” Lorik asked. “Any place to keep people who are caught causing harm?”
    “No,” Trinad said. “We haven’t needed one.”
    “We need one now, see about it quickly. I want Gunther here in chains. Do whatever you have to.”
    “Yes, my lord.”
    “And the man outside, I want him confined as well.”
    “What happened, Lorik?” Vera asked.
    “Lord Emry tried to have me killed,” he said.
    “Well that was a stupid idea,” Vera said.
    “The last stupid idea he’ll ever have,” Lorik said angrily.
    He stormed from the tent, somehow angrier now that the fighting was over. He walked and walked, trying to calm his mind. Eventually Stone caught up to Lorik. The big man had known his friend would arrive eventually and he was glad for the company.
    “I can’t stay here,” Lorik said.
    “Alright, but tell me what happened? You’re bleeding, did you know that?”
    “It’s nothing, just a scratch,” Lorik said, pressing a rag to the wound in his shoulder. “That little weasel Emry tried to have me killed. He threatened Queen Issalyn.”
    “Is everyone okay?” Stone asked.
    “Yes, the queen is okay, I’m okay. Several of Emry’s men are dead. I didn’t want to kill them, but they left me no choice. We could have used those men, Stone,” Lorik said angrily.
    “I know,” Stone agreed. “But we can’t worry about that now. Why do you need to leave the camp?”
    “Because, I’m no good here,” he said.
    “That’s not true. Obviously everyone sees you as our leader.”
    “But I’m not, or at least I shouldn’t be. I like things done my way, who doesn’t. And maybe I’ve brought this on myself by being too vocal in my opinions, but I shouldn’t be in charge of the camp. We need someone with a cool head, someone who doesn’t slay everyone who disagrees with them.”
    “That’s not what happened,” Stone said. “You killed men who were trying to kill you.”
    “But why?” Lorik said, finally stopping and turning to look at his friend. “Why were they trying to kill me? I’m not the enemy.”
    “Emry saw an opportunity to rise in power,” Stone said. “He was frightened and intimidated by you, but that isn’t your fault.”
    “Queen Issalyn should be in charge. She is the rightful Queen of Ortis; I’m no one, just a teamster from Hassell Point.”
    “We both know that isn’t true,” Stone said. “And no one ever said this was going to be easy. But why don’t you tell me what’s really bothering you.”
    “I told you, I need to leave.”
    “Why?” Stone asked. “Why is it so necessary for you to leave the camp?”
    “I need to stop the threat that’s coming,” Lorik said. “At least slow it down. You know all this.”
    “Yes, but none of it explains why you’re in such a hurry to flee the camp. Is it the queen?”
    “What about her?” Lorik said.
    “Are you falling love with her?” Stone asked.
    Lorik stopped walking and turned to look at his friend. He felt a strange sense of embarrassment, as if they were children and Stone had just discovered Lorik’s secret crush. He shook his head.
    “How can I be in love with someone I hardly know,” Lorik said.
    “Love isn’t a decision you make once you’ve had time to get to know someone. I fell in love with Vera the first time I saw her.”
    “I’m not like you,” Lorik said.
    “I know that,” Stone agreed. “But you’re

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