Lock No. 1

Lock No. 1 by Georges Simenon

Book: Lock No. 1 by Georges Simenon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Georges Simenon
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– not the doctor, the boatman. He was over the
     moon, he could hardly wait: his wife, who was thirty, was at last
    At intervals the walls shook as a tram
     went past, and the bell of a shop nearby was just audible as the door kept
     constantly opening and closing.
    â€˜A baby! They’d been hoping
     for one for eight years. To have one, Louis would have spent every penny he’d
     saved. So he goes and talks to the doctor, a short dark man with glasses. I used to
     know him. Louis explains that he’s afraid the birth will happen out in the
     sticks, in some village or other, and that he’d rather stay at Châlons for as
     long as it took.’
    Gassin sat up, blowing hard, the result
     of remaining bent over.
    â€˜A week goes by. The doctor calls
     every evening. Eventually, one day at about five in the afternoon, the contractions
     start coming. Louis can’t sit still. He goes out on deck, on to the quay. He
     hangs on the doctor’s doorbell. He wills him to come. The doctor assures him
     that all is well, very well, that everything is going without a hitch and that all
     he needs do is to send for him at the last moment.’
    Gassin was speaking as if he were
     reciting a litany.
     don’t know that part of the town? I can see the house as clearly as if I was
     there, a large, brand-new detached house, with big windows which were all lit up
     that evening, for the doctor was giving a party. He was prinked and perfumed, and
     his moustaches freshly curled. Twice he comes in a great hurry, his breath smelling
     the first time of burgundy and then of spirits.
    â€˜â€œGood! Excellent!” he
     kept saying. “I’ll be back shortly …”
    â€˜Louis ran across the quay. There
     were sounds of a gramophone playing. On the curtains there were shadows of people
    â€˜His wife was screaming, and
     Louis, like one demented, was weeping dry tears. What was happening terrified him.
     An old woman whose boat was moored a little way away was convinced that the child
     was presenting badly.
    â€˜At midnight, Louis goes and rings
     the doctor’s doorbell. He is told the doctor will come soon.
    â€˜At half past midnight, he rings
     again. The corridor is full of music.
    â€˜And Louis’ wife is
     screaming so loudly that passers-by stop for a moment on the quay and then go
     hurrying on their way.
    â€˜Finally the guests leave. The
     little doctor appears, not entirely drunk, but not exactly clear-headed. He removes
     his jacket and rolls up his sleeves.
    â€˜â€œMight need forceps
    â€˜There’s not much room to
     move. They keep getting in each other’s way. And then the doctor starts
     talking about crushing the child’s head.
    â€˜â€œBut you can’t do
     that!” cries Louis.
     you want me to save the mother?”
    â€˜The doctor is almost asleep.
     He’s almost out on his feet. He’s floundering. An hour later, he
     straightens up. Louis sees that his wife has stopped screaming, is no longer moving
    Gassin stared Maigret straight in the
     eye and finished:
    â€˜Louis killed him.’
    â€˜Killed the doctor?’
    â€˜Coolly, no fuss, put a bullet in
     his head, then he fired another into his gut, then he opened his own mouth as if he
     intended eating the barrel, and there was a third shot. They sold the barge at
     auction three months later.’
    Why was Gassin smiling? Maigret
     preferred him dead drunk and venomous, as he had been on previous days.
    â€˜What are you going to do with me
     now,’ he asked, without curiosity.
    â€˜Will you promise not to do
     anything stupid?’
    â€˜What do you mean by
    â€˜Ducrau has always been your
     friend, hasn’t he?’
    â€˜We come from the same village.
     We’ve shipped together.’
    â€˜He’s … very fond of

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