Liquid Diamond

Liquid Diamond by Sebastien Blue

Book: Liquid Diamond by Sebastien Blue Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sebastien Blue
Kingdoms. Until their Kingdoms are in phase, you won’t be able to go there. It would seem to me that this Clique group would have to pull the crystals out of time by the 0.2 seconds just to store the crystals safely. Even if you and Catalyst walked right into their realm, I’m betting you wouldn’t even be able to pick them up,” said Domnyar.
    “ Yes, that’s true I’m afraid,” said Miss Turr.
    “ But the Elf also said they were planning something for the coming transition, right?” said Natalia.
    “ He did, but what good will that do them, once we have the crystal that’s here in this time?” asked Catalyst.
    “ Natalia, don’t worry. I have a plan. I’ll get my Mother to help once we have the crystal. And if it’s not too close to the transition, I’ll have my Mother send you back,” said Catalyst.
    “ You are one very clever little boy, aren’t you? I forgot about your Mother’s persuasiveness,” said Miss Turr, smiling about Anastasia’s power.
    “ Where do we go to get the trillium oil?” asked Natalia.
    “ You need to go to Annwn. It’s only there that you’ll find it. It’s very rare here and no one will give you any if they have it. The trip is awfully dangerous. A lot of those who have tried to go have never been heard from again. The few that have made it back, with or without the oil, have never tried it again. Some fortunes no matter how great aren’t worth your life. A single cup of that oil can be worth maybe two hundred times its weight in gold,” replied Miss Turr, hoping they wouldn’t figure it out.
    “ Well as long as nobody minds sending a twelve-year-old girl into that kind of danger then I guess it’s all right,” said Natalia, angered by such a trip.
    “ In the meantime, Miss Turr, can we just leave the key with you for safe keeping? We’ll come and get it after we have the oil, and maybe you can recut it then?” asked Catalyst.
    “ Of course, that’s why I’m here,” replied Miss Turr.
    “ It’s all settled then – you two will get the crystal that’s here and then Natalia you’ll go home. Then come back when it’s time, and when it’s time to get the trillium oil and the other crystals. At the moment all you have to worry about is how full you are,” said Domnyar.
    “ Yes! And the fact that the Clique are planning something for the coming transition,” laughed Natalia.
    “ It won’t matter, Natalia. Once we have at least one crystal they won’t be able to lock the portal. They can’t use it now, not with the King’s guards there,” said Catalyst.
    “ What will locking it matter? They wanted it opened to begin with,” replied Natalia.
    “ Yes they did, but if they start something with Humankind, they’ll want to lock the portal, right? After all, they wouldn’t want the warring to begin again in this world. It’ll ruin their homes as well, and if they can’t lock the portal, what protection do they have?” asked Catalyst.
    “ If we get this one crystal, they can’t do anything and we have time to find the rest. Maybe Miss Turr can go one step further for our world and design a whole new lock for the crystal’s pedestal – one that once it’s locked it can’t be unlocked, ever,” continued Catalyst.
    “ That will have to be done by me. I’m the very best in all this world when it comes to designs so complex that even the slightest tampering would stop whatever it is from working. I would think a simple lock would be no problem. All we would have to do is let Catalyst try and open it one time and it’ll never work again. What do think, Miss Turr?” asked Domnyar.
    “ Sounds perfect to me,” replied Miss Turr.
    “ It’s late and we have to leave early, Catalyst, so I’m going to get some sleep,” said Natalia.
    “ You too, Catalyst,” ordered Domnyar.
    “ Miss Turr, if you’ll be so kind as to join me on the porch, I have some very good root wine and a secret stash of cherry leaf pipe tobacco,” offered Domnyar,

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