Demon's Plaything
the morning, and he didn’t want to risk waking her, but he wanted to contact her somehow so he texted.
    You home safe?
    The reply was almost instant.
    Demon? How did you get this number?
    He laughed.
    Told you I was motivated. You home?
    Yeah. Sorry about earlier. I looked around but didn’t see you. There was a false alarm. Heart attack that turned out to be a panic attack. Somebody lost a lot of money tonight.
    It’s okay. I know you couldn’t do anything else. And they always do.
    He pondered his next line and then finally decided on mostly the truth.
    Take care, Shayla.
    He left off I miss you but thought she got the message.
    See you soon?
    Sleep well.
    He waited a few minutes, but she didn’t respond. But he was okay with that. Better to let her rest while he untangled the web her brother had spun her into.
    He looked down at his phone. One last call and the day would be complete.
    Ian picked up after two rings, sounding sleepy and irritated. “This better be fucking important if you’re calling me at three twenty-six.”
    “Such language. I could have been your grandmother.”
    “Who the hell is this? And how the fuck did you get this number?” Ian yelled, sounding even more irritated. Good.
    “It’s Demon, and don’t pretend you don’t know who I am. Meet me at the warehouse at two in the afternoon tomorrow. Don’t be late.”
    He hung up without waiting for a response. He wanted to go back to Shayla, but resisted the pull. He’d finish this, and then they’d have all the time in the world.
    He’d gone home for a few hours of rest and spent the morning at the recycling facility. He wasn’t at all nervous about the meeting to come. Ian and guys like him would always do what was in their best interests, and Demon had made it his business to ensure that Ian’s best interests would finally be good for Shayla as well.
    He drove to the warehouse, excited that Shayla would soon be out of this for once and for all. Much to his surprise, Ian was on time. Demon got out and leaned against his car as Ian pulled up; he was so ready to get this over with. Ian seemed to share the sentiment as he jumped out of the car quickly. He might have expected some popping off or other outward show of anger, but Ian was placid, his demeanor entirely untroubled. Shayla had said he was smooth, but this was pretty impressive. Too bad the guy was such a fuckup.
    “So I’m here,” Ian said. “You planning to kill me or something?”
    “Would you have come if you thought I was?”
    Ian shrugged. “No, but it seemed like the right thing to say.” His eyes hardened, revealing the calculation that hid behind his suave exterior. “What do you want?”
    “From you, nothing.”
    “Oh, you want something from Shayla? Can’t help you with that, though you don’t seem to have had any trouble so far. My only advice is keep doing what you’re doing. She’s smart, but she has a soft heart, and if you get to it, you’re in. Anything else, or can I go?”
    The sound of Demon’s slap reverberated off Ian’s face before Demon was even fully aware that he’d reached out. Ian looked more offended than hurt, but he didn’t try to retaliate. Which was very disappointing. Demon would have welcomed the opportunity to kick his ass. He deserved that, more than that, for the way he treated his family, the way he’d talked about his sister. It was disgusting, really, that an asshole like Ian got people who loved him so much to put themselves at risk to protect his worthless ass.
    But Demon needed to refocus. He’d have this problem taken care of soon enough.
    “I don’t know if you got the message, but you’re out.”
    Ian scoffed. “Fuck you. You don’t call shots around here.”
    “I don’t, but I know the man who does, and you’re out. Everywhere. Permanently.”
    Disbelief marred Ian’s features.
    “What the fuck ever, man!”
    “Believe me or don’t; that’s your call, but my only advice ,” he

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