
LipstickLeslee by Titania Leslee

Book: LipstickLeslee by Titania Leslee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Titania Leslee
behind him.
    “Feel like a good movie?” he asked, though it was apparent
it wasn’t a question requiring an answer when the Pussycat’s news report played
on the screen.
    Melanie’s swift intake of breath told me she hadn’t yet
heard about the contest being broadcast on a local television network. I peered
over at her. Her hand was pressed to her chest, blocking my view of her
cleavage in the button-up blouse. Her mouth hung open and her eyes were bugged,
glued to the flat-screen television.
    “What ¼ ” She darted a
look at me that could have killed. Her eyes were full of unshed moisture though
they were narrowed with resentment and ambushed surprise. She uncrossed her
legs, re-crossed them, squirmed in her seat and panted. I feared she’d
hyperventilate if she didn’t calm down.
    “I’m sorry, Melanie,” I said, longing to reach over and take
her in my arms, but she looked away, presenting me with her striking profile.
The stab of rejection hurt like hell, but I managed to continue. “I swear I
didn’t know. I just found out myself. I’m assuming it was Charles’ idea to pull
in more customers. I was told it would be announced on the radio only, and with
no names. The bastard lied as usual.”
    She finally snapped her gaze back to mine. Resentment
darkened the brown of her eyes. Her voice came out squeaky through clenched teeth
as if she struggled to keep from exploding. “You’re assuming ? You mean
you haven’t choked that son of bitch yet? Well screw it. I will. I’m going to
kill that motherf—”
    “Melanie,” Henry shouted.
    “That’ll be enough.”
    Melanie ignored him and twisted in her seat to face me. She
gripped the arm of the chair so tightly her knuckles whitened. “How could you
have ever married such an ass? It sickens me. And it pisses me off that
you allowed that arrogant idiot to even—”
    “You’re fired. Both of you.” Henry slapped a piece of paper
down in front of each of us. I glanced at it, but Melanie’s words hung in my
head, overpowering Henry’s sneering statements.
    I swung my knees around so I could face Melanie. She looked
gorgeous with her cheeks flaming red and her eyes shooting daggers at me. Her
mouth was drawn in a snarl, although it still drew my attention and had my own
mouth watering to cover my lips with hers and devour her.
    “I married him before I came out. In fact, the ‘arrogant
idiot’ was instrumental in helping me to face who and what I really am. Maybe
in a roundabout way, his actions will be key in helping you to do the same
thing ¼ ”
    She leaned closer and narrowed her gaze so much that I could
barely see the brilliant color of them. “I. Am. Not. A. Lesbian.”
    “Coulda fooled me,” Henry said under his breath. He’d since
leaned back in his chair, hands laced behind his head, and now propped his
fancy shoes on the desk. “The way you two got it on on stage,” he said with a
whistle, “looked to me like you’re both lesbians and way into each
    Melanie gasped. “Shut the hell up, Henry.”
    He nodded and grinned. “I suppose now that you’re no longer
an employee, you have every right to say what you want to me. Well, let me
clarify…you’ll technically no longer be an employee after Monday, so that’s when you can say what you want to me.”
    “What?” Melanie croaked.
    “What?” I repeated.
    He sighed and rolled his eyes. “Weren’t you two listening? I
said you’re fired—well, after you complete the Ronson-Monroe wedding reception
this weekend and the Link Electronics conference the following Monday.” He
gestured toward the papers he’d slid in front of us. “These’re your walking
papers, which detail the timeline and what to expect. Beyond Monday, we’ve
provided you with a generous one-month severance package including salary and
benefits. When December is up, you’re cut off.”
    I snapped up the paper and scanned it. “You call one month
    “Oh my

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