Lillian Duncan - Until Death Do Us Part
here without an explanation. It would be horrible for them to wake up and her gone.
    She took a deep breath, willing her mind to slow down and focused.
    God wanted her to help Misty and her children. There was no way she would walk out on that commitment. Besides Dylan could take care of himself.

    CHAPTER 26

    Dylan sat at Billy Clyde’s table as he scrutinized the pictures again when the phone rang. He’d slept for a few hours but the buzzing of his cell phone woke him up a few minutes earlier.
    It had been Reggie then and it was probably her now.
    He walked over and checked the caller ID.
    He longed to pick up the phone and hear her voice. The fact that she was calling Billy Clyde and Theresa worried him. Apparently, she’d put two and two together.
    Heavy s noring emanated from the living room sofa where the pills and Billy Clyde’s wounds had finally taken effect. He’d slept through the ringing of the phone.
    Dylan walked back to the table and the pictures. There had to be a clue in them. They’d gotten the phone call from the kidnappers as soon as they’d left the Miller house. As far as he was concerned that meant they’d been close by. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have known what was going on.
    If only the GPS Triangulator had been hooked up to the phone then. They might have figured out where the call was coming from. It wasn’t like Billy Clyde to make that kind of mistake. But between his worry about Theresa and the effects of the bullet wounds, it wasn’t surprising.
    Billy Clyde was the toughest guy he knew, but even tough guys had human bodies.
    Looking down at the picture, Dylan’s heart lurched. He looked closer.
    A boarded up house across from Mrs. Miller’s, but the tip of a car jutted out from the back of the house. Why would an abandoned house have a car? Of course, the car could have been abandoned the same way the house had been, but it was worth checking out.
    Without a sound he made his way to the kitchen and grabbed keys on his way to the garage. No sense waking up the big man. He needed his rest. Hopefully, he would be back before Billy Clyde woke up.
    If not…Well, he didn’t want to think about that. Billy Clyde would not be a happy camper but it was better this way. Whether Billy Clyde wanted to acknowledge it or not, he’d been shot. His body needed to rest and heal.
    As Dylan drove through the quiet darkness on the mountain road, he prayed. The power of prayer was very real. It had saved his life more than once.
    He found the stre et but didn’t pull in. He parked a street away and walked back to the house in question. He looked at the abandoned house and shook his head.
    No car.
    Anger and regret surged through him. Theresa might have been right here, only feet from where he and Billy Clyde had stood. If only he’d noticed the incongruity of a car behind an abandoned house, they might have found Theresa and this nightmare would have been over.
    And Billy Clyde wouldn’t have had to commit a felony.
    Dylan cleared his mind and focused on the task at hand. He pulled out his gun from his pants band, and approached the house with caution. Stopping at the side of the house, he listened.
    He turned the corner, a piece of plywood stood propped up against the cement steps. Someone had taken the board off of the back door. Just as he’d suspected, someone had been in the abandoned house. He peered through the darkness at the door wondering if they might still be in there.
    A sigh escaped.
    The kidnappers were probably long gone if they’d ever been here. It was just as likely that some of the teens in the area had taken off the board and use the house as party central.
    But i f Theresa had been here, they’d most likely packed her up and moved her to a new location after they’d barged into Mrs. Miller’s. He should have forced Billy Clyde to stay at the house as they’d told him. Instead they’d tipped their hands to the kidnappers.
    How had the kidnappers

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