Lilac Temptress
touching kindled his
passion as he moved his mouth with kisses down her neck; the heated
softness of her skin maddened him. “Tell me if you want
    “ Yes...” she admitted,
hearing herself speak in a passion-induced daze. Her common sense
forsook her, leaving her unable to protest what she was permitting.
“Oh, yes.”
    Drake cupped her breast, gently
squeezing with his hand. With his other hand he lifted her skirts,
finding his way between her legs, and slipped his finger into her
pliable center—the tightness giving way and loosening.
    Sierra salaciously cried out, startled
by the sensual bliss he gave her below. Never having been touched
by a man in that way before, he did it so much better than she in
her own attempts at self-pleasure. She seized his hand with all her
strength to halt him. “No, I cannot! We cannot!” She tried to
regain her senses, but her body was overwhelmed with lust and her
limbs were weak, requiring his support.
    Drake wrapped both his hands around
her waist as she attempted to push herself out of his arms, but his
masculine power ruined her efforts. He couldn’t understand this
woman at all, and her reaction to him continued to be positively
bizarre. If he didn’t know any better he might allow himself to
think that he was dealing with an untouched woman.
    “ Why do you turn me away? I
can feel your body responding, and I promise to satisfy you like no
other man has,” Drake assured in a husky voice—hard-pressed to his
very limits. “What you’ve set in motion cannot be
    Sierra told herself not to give into
the temptation and mustered up all her courage to speak again more
forcefully. “I demand you release me!”
    He loosened his grip, stared at her,
and reluctantly withdrew. “As you wish,” he grunted in frustration.
He watched her scurry away, quickly scrambling up the rocks as if
she were in danger of brute violation.
    Drake wanted to shout when he saw her
grab her shoes and put them on her feet, but he had no choice other
than to compose himself and do the same. If he didn’t move as
quickly as she did, she might leave him in the swamp to make his
way back alone. And before he knew it, he had followed her into
town barely speaking a word the entire way.
    “ We should talk about what
happened back there,” Drake said.
    “ I have nothing to
    “ Forgive me. I wish only to
be a gentleman, but you’re so god damned pretty!”
    Sierra turned on her heel to face him.
“You are hardly a gentleman. You deliberately made me desire you.”
The pitch of her voice rose to match her conviction.
    Drake roared with laughter.
His eyes twinkled while he watched Sierra cross her arms and stomp
her foot in anger. “Is this your way of finally confessing that
you do indeed want
me?” There was satisfaction in his voice. “I was beginning to think
that I had lost my touch with women,” he teased.
    Sierra gave him a sharp look. “You
provoked me. You manipulated me with your—unscrupulous charm and
made me want you,” she spat accusingly.
    “ Sierra, I did no such
thing and I believe that you know this deep down. Though, you are
not wrong to be attracted to me,” Drake said, oozing narcissism.
“Let us go to your bedroom without delay and finish what we’ve
started.” He lifted her hands into his, bringing them to his
desirous lips and kissed the backs of them gently.
    “ We cannot!” She jerked her
hands away. “You can’t just come into town like a sudden storm and
expect me to surrender to you! What you’re asking of me isn’t
proper! We’ve just met!”
    “ Does making love require
that we know each other for ages?” Drake refuted.
    “ Does one night spent
together merit our... our coupling?” Sierra retorted.
    Drake stared at her quizzically,
narrowing his eyes. Something didn’t quite add up, and he couldn’t
mask his irritation.
    Sierra irrefutably grasped his
agitation and confusion. “My apologies if I misled you into

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