Lilac Temptress
there would be something more between us. I have to go
now. I am performing tonight,” she spoke candidly.
    Drake, silent with his thoughts—trying
to figure out Sierra’s misleading behavior, followed her the rest
of the way.
    They soon approached the brothel and
Sierra suddenly became self-conscious that she lived there. Never
in her life had she felt so ashamed of who she was. What was it
about Drake that brought out these feelings in her? He made her
feel more like a woman, yearning for a man’s touch. Why was he so
damned perfect? Why did she feel that if she stood next to him a
moment longer, she might lose her wits and give him exactly what
he’d been after?
    “ Why won’t you let me have
you?” Drake blurted out indignantly. “I paid a hefty price for you
last night and you refused me. What is it? Is my money not good
enough for you? Do you pick and choose your lovers? Should I
sweeten your price?”
    “ I will not further be
molested by you, don’t you understand?” Sierra tried to convince
    “ Molested! I thought your kind never said no to a man’s
purse. But I can’t bribe you, and I sure as hell can’t get it for
free! Tell me, what do you think your worth is in gold?” Drake
    Sierra hauled her hand across Drake’s
face, slapping him so hard that his head shifted sideways and his
cheek reddened on contact. “You have the look of a fine gentleman,
all nifty in your expensively tailored suit. How could you forget
your manners, and ask such a thing of a lady?”
    Drake grimaced. “Are you indeed a
lady?” His mocking voice exposed his bitterness. It had been a long
time since he had provoked a woman into slapping him and he had
never known a woman to have so much venom for him as
    Furiously, she backed into the brothel
doors, watching Drake with scowling eyes as she
    “ Sierra, wait!” Drake
called after her, unwilling to give up the chase. “I swear I didn’t
aim to upset you!” he called out as he pushed past the swinging
doors, but he knew he meant every word of what he had said. Drake
scanned the room for Sierra—the place was busy with men and their
women. He spotted Adrienne, who was having some kind of meeting
with a few of the girls.
    “ You meant every word!”
Sierra yelled. She recognized the familiar smirk on Drake’s face as
he caught sight of her. “You find this amusing, don’t you?” she
    “ Sierra, what’s got
you in such a ruckus, honey?” Adrienne interrupted the dispute. She
glanced at Drake. Good Lord, she sighed to herself, Sierra hasn’t a clue what to do with him.
    “ Accursed men! Adrienne
they are all the same! They only want one thing! Damn them all to
hell!” Sierra blasted.
    Loud laughter erupted from every man
in the room. Sierra’s face suddenly matched the color of her
scarlet hair when she realized that she had an interested audience.
Embarrassed, she fled up the stairs as quickly as she could. Drake
immediately went after her, but the guard, Toby, used his body to
barricade Drake’s path at the base of the stairs.
    Briefly, Drake thought of forcing this
man aside, but using better judgment did nothing. “Goddamn it!”
Drake shouted, turning away from the stocky man, fire flashing
across his face in an absolute fury. He didn’t think Sierra would
appreciate it if he started a fight.
    “ Mr. McCalister, I won’t
ask you what happened,” Adrienne spoke casually while approaching
him. “But I will tell you this—she ain’t ever been so
    Drake composed himself. “I’d be
indebted to you if you let me pass. I have to see her,” Drake
pleaded, glancing at Toby who still stood stiffly, obstructing his
    “ I’m sorry, honey, but
Sierra is one of my girls. I can’t let you go trotting up there
without her permission this time.”
    “ Ms. Wade, what must I do?
I implore you be merciful and let me go to her. She is quite
furious with me and I wish to make amends.”

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