Liar, Liar
occurrence for Frederick to see.  I wonder what they think of me.  Do they know I am working for Regina?  Do they know of her plan?  Are they on her side?  Or, do they see what I am beginning to see: that Benny is trapped in a loveless marriage, and he is desperate to break free, but unable to find a way.
    I realize in that moment that once again, Mitchell was right, and I was wrong, about our initial predictions of Benny’s personality.  He is not a scaredy-cat, or as snobby as his wife, like I anticipated.  He is fierce, sometimes dominant, and incredibly caring and affectionate, almost loving in the way he touches me.  Sometimes I don’t even think he is aware of the way his fingertips graze my skin or linger just a little longer than necessary. 
    I think Mitchell was right when he said Benny probably just doesn’t see a way out of the predicament he has himself in.  Though I can’t figure out why.  Why wouldn’t he just leave her?  Maybe he does love her in his own way, but then why would he have sex with me, not just once but multiple times.  Regina had said he barely spends anytime at home with her.
    Regardless of the reasons why, it looks like I’ll be out of pocket a couple hundred dollars when I take Mitchell for dinner at D’tre’s.  Even worse, he won’t be buying me those cute booties I have been eyeing.
    “I’ve got to get going, baby,” Benny murmurs in my ear.
    “What time is it?” I moan sleepily, throwing an arm over my head.
    “Just after six.”
    “I’ve still got another hour,” I whine.
    He chuckles, deep and throaty, and the sound causes chills of excitement to spread over my body.  His mouth touches mine and he sweeps his tongue across my lower lip.  I open, giving him access to explore.  He tastes like mint toothpaste, coffee, and Benny.  I sigh and wrap my hands around his neck while he deepens the kiss before pulling back when we are breathless.
    “If I don’t go now, we’ll be staying in bed all day,” he warns.
    “I can live with that,” I tell him with a grin.
    He groans in disappointment.  “I wish I could, but I’ve got meetings this morning.”
    “That’s okay, I have to work, too.” I frown.  Stroking his face, I catalogue every contour and line, the sharp angles of his jaw, the dips in his cheeks from his dimples, the deep black of his long eyelashes, and the depth of his beautiful brown eyes.
    He kisses me once more, lightly this time.  A goodbye kiss.  Soft, sweet, meaningful.
    “Best weekend of my life,” he tells me seriously, his voice quiet and husky.
    “Mine, too,” I tell him honestly.
    He cups my cheek and then stands before walking out.
    I know I won’t get back to sleep, so I stretch my limbs and then make my way into the shower before getting ready for work and heading into the office a little earlier than normal.
    “Good morning, Ms. Banks,” Cara, the temp during Josephine’s work trip with Mitchell, greets as I enter the building.
    “Morning, Cara.  Good weekend?” I ask, making small talk while she gathers my messages.
    “It was, thanks.  What about yours?”
    Amazing.  Superfantastical.  Fucking awesome, full of absolutely mind-blowing sex.  Rather than say the thoughts running through my head, I reply instead with, “Fine, thanks.”  Such an understatement.
    Pushing all thoughts of Benny out of my mind, I concentrate on my workday.  With Mitchell out of the office, things will be busier than ever, and I can’t afford to be daydreaming about a certain brown eyed dimpled hunk all day.
    “Ms. Banks,” I hear called before there is a quick rap on my door.
    “Come in, Cara.”  I glance up from my computer.
    “I wanted to hand you this,” she says, passing me a piece of paper.  “Josephine said she had been keeping track of the phone calls from that particular lady.”
    “That’s correct.  Thank you.”  I scan my eyes over the document and notice that Juliette has called four times since

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