Lethal Outlook: A Psychic Eye Mystery

Lethal Outlook: A Psychic Eye Mystery by Victoria Laurie

Book: Lethal Outlook: A Psychic Eye Mystery by Victoria Laurie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Laurie
and stood from the chair. I did the same. “We should get out of your hair,” she said to her. “Is it all right, though, to call or stop by if we find out anything about Kendra that you might be able to shed a little more light on?”
    Bailey shrugged, then nodded, the tears continuing to leak down her cheeks creating black smudgy streaks from her mascara.
    We thanked her for her time and waited until we were back in Candice’s Porsche to talk about Bailey. “Go,” Candice said the minute I’d shut the car door.
    I smirked. “You don’t waste time, do you?”
    “Nope,” she said, already flipping to a fresh page in her notebook.
    I went back through my own notes to find the starting point and rattled off the tidbits I’d been able to pull out of the ether. “First, the reason Bailey is moving back to Dallas is because she’s getting a divorce.”
    Candice’s brow shot up, but otherwise she didn’t look at me; she simply scribbled that down.
    I went on. “And the Web site that Kendra started with her BFF is pulling in more money than ‘only a little.’” I scoured my notes and found the next point, “Also, there’s this really weird thing going on in her energy, and I’m sure you picked up on it with the way she spoke about Kendra in the past tense. See, I think she thinks that Kendra’s gone, but I don’t know that she had anything directly to do with it. She feels involved, but tangentially, and I can’t figure out how.”
    Candice lifted her eyes to me. “She’s also feeling super guilty. The fidgeting and the nervousness—that speaks of a guilty conscience.”
    I nodded. “Agreed. There’s more to the story.” I remembered that in the ether I’d felt Kendra’s killer might have acted on behalf of a woman. I wondered if Bailey might have been the woman I’d felt was involved in Kendra’s abduction and murder.
    “What about that whole ‘I haven’t seen my best friend in two weeks’ deal?” Candice asked next.
    “That part was true,” I told her. “She hasn’t seen Kendra in at least that long. So again, I don’t think she was present when Kendra was kidnapped and murdered, but that doesn’t mean she couldn’t have otherwise been involved.”
    Candice pointed her pen at me. “You had mentioned thatyesterday when you were first focusing on Kendra.” I nodded. Candice chewed on the tip of her pen for a minute, then said, “What if Bailey hired someone to kill Kendra? Bailey’s going through a divorce and she doesn’t strike me as the working type.”
    I remembered the fine clothes, perfect hair, fresh manicure, and fit figure on Bailey. It all spoke of super–high maintenance, something most working women don’t have a lot of time for. Plus, we’d visited her on a weekday, when just about everyone else was at work. Granted, she could’ve taken the day off to pack her stuff up, but I didn’t think that was the case. “Let me guess where you’re headed with this,” I said to Candice. “You think that maybe she saw how much money was coming into the Web site and she decided to get greedy? Maybe she hired somebody to abduct and kill Kendra?”
    “People have killed their BFFs for a whole lot less,” Candice pointed out.
    I sighed. “For the record, I’d never kill you over money.”
    The corners of Candice’s mouth lifted. “Good to know.” Then she seemed to linger on what I’d just said because she added, “By the way…where’s your gun?”
    That made me laugh. “At home in my closet. Where it’s going to stay.”
    “Also good to know,” my partner said. Then she motioned with her pen at my notebook. “Anything else in there you want to share?”
    I looked down. “Yes and no. There’s something about the argument between Bailey and Kendra that we need to focuson. Something significant sparked their fight, and my radar is suggesting that it’s part of the key to unlocking this mystery.”
    Candice’s eyes swiveled to Bailey’s door. “No time like

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