think of my beautiful daughter dropped down amongst them, well it’s just killing me and Keith.
Seel , too. Seel is awful close to his sister. It’s a beautiful thing to see them together. Why, they can’t take their eyes off each other. That little Sarah, my boy’s fiancée? I think she gets a little jealous sometimes, her not having the same special relationship with her own brother, but I tell her, “Give it up, Honey. It would take a better woman than you to come between those two.”
Our whole family is real tight and united like that. I think it’s one of the reasons people love to hate us - jealousy pure and simple. Maybe, and I’m no psychologist, but hear me out, maybe they look at us, me and Keith, still golden together after all these years, a daughter who looks like a young Demi Moore, and a handsome son, and all of us so close, well I can see how they might feel jealous, even inadequate. Not that it gives them any excuse to judge us or to follow us around everywhere.
My God, I have a hair appointment on Thursday at Chez Leonie, right over on Broadway and 64 th - the south corner, not the east corner. Anyway, I have this appointment at three on Thursday, and with the kind of insatiable interest in me and mine, I suppose I can’t even expect to have my hair done with any privacy. This is just killing me, it really is.
And they say I don’t mention Deeley enoug h when I talk about my family. How dare they? That child is the center of everything in our family and we love her more than … well, we love her a lot. My heart is broken, all our hearts are broken, not that they should be, because our own investigations turn up more leads every day and she will probably be home any minute now.
You see, if our family wasn’t so beautiful, we wouldn’t be getting one tenth the attention that’s been coming around here. I see how the media are scum. They put words into people’s mouths. They don’t want the truth, they want a story. Well, here’s a story: I’m too upset to put up another sign to keep the jackals off my lawn. I’ll have to finish tomorrow night, probably just about the same time.
Charlotte Hope
(Eye on America)
Good evening , America, this is ‘Eye on America’ and I’m Charlotte Hope.
Tonight is a special update edi tion on the Denise Brown case, as the case of Miss Brown continues winding its way slowly but surely towards what is now being called the Trial of the Millennium. We, here at ‘Eye on America’, have been covering every development. From the prosecution’s meticulous pre-trial preparation, as well as through the somewhat confused and absurd building of the defense’s case, I have been on top of this story from its grueling beginning.
L et’s recap.
On July 16 th , 2008, Orlando police received a frantic call from Margaret Brown, the grandmother of a little girl named Deeley. From there a twisted tale of lies and false leads emerged. Baby Deeley’s young mother, Denise Brown, known now to my viewers by the name Fibber McMom, had some wild tales to tell, but bit by bit each was revealed to be a lie, and in October of that year she was arrested for the murder of Baby Deeley.
Pretrial motions began then , with the first judge being almost immediately excused and then another tougher judge appointed for the upcoming trial. Meantime, the defense brought in a new player, controversial attorney Penelope Bledsoe, a death penalty expert and also a woman married to an infamous serial killer named Charlie Bledsoe, or ‘Butcher Bledsoe’, as he is more commonly referred to. And the strange hits kept coming, with questions raised about just how close Denise and her fanatically devoted brother Seel are, when the police demanded that he take a paternity test to eliminate him as the possible father of little Deeley Brown. Meantime, Grandma Margaret and Grandpa Keith began changing their stories as fast as they could tell them in one pathetically obvious bid after another to
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