Leash Me (Your Pet For The Night)

Leash Me (Your Pet For The Night) by Audrey Grace Page B

Book: Leash Me (Your Pet For The Night) by Audrey Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Audrey Grace
Tags: bdsm erotica
drink. Dance with him and lean on him and let his hands roam on you. Let him touch you as you please, let him do what you wish, and watch me while I watch you.”
    I nod and look at you once more and your eyes are hard and passionate. “Do not stop until I want to stop you.”
    You unclasp my leash and fold it up and place it in your pocket, and gently then you usher me into the mouth of darkness.
    The glow of red surrounds me and the thump of bass, it pounds me, and I walk into the goth-styled bar with you in tow behind me. The boys here are young and pretty, and I’m a little older. Which will only make the task I’ve been set that much easier.
    But, as you said, I must find a man I like, and the pretty boys with perfect faces are not really my type. They are, instead, the kind of boys who would work well as decor, trapped in cages in the nude, their lithe and pale bodies showing.
    I scan the bar for the kind of man that I find attractive, and there I find him, sitting alone, broad-shouldered and severe. He looks strong and muscular, but not in pretty perfection. Instead it is the kind of thickness and power that comes with work.
    I walk to him near the back and look at him for a moment. He looks me up my legs and body, until his eye lock on my collar.
    “Sit down,” he says, and he shuffles on the little sofa. “I’ll buy you a drink,” he offers me, and I accept it, like you told me. “What would you like?” he then asks, and I tell him exactly.
    “I would like a Bloody Mary, with extra spice.”
    “You like it hot,” he said to me, a grin spreading on his features.
    “Red in the glass, hot on my tongue, it’s simply my favorite.”
    He comes back with my drink, and I watch you watch me. I sip on the Bloody Mary, and feel my tongue ignite.
    The man is talking to me, and I look at him quite briefly. He’s attractive and hard and powerful-looking, and he looks like he knows what he wants.
    He’s kind of like you, in that way, except I’m not his kitten. But, then again, I am yours, and following your orders.
    I watch you watch me here and there, stealing glances when I can. You’re sat in darkness at the bar, but your eyes, they twinkle hard and bright.
    I take another sip from my hot red glass, and the man I’m sitting next to shuffles closer to me. He brushes his hand over my hair and leans his face toward me, and I feel his lips drag across my cheek, and the proximity is dizzying.
    I look over to you once more, and in my eyes I tell you that I am so conflicted. This man before me, his presence is strong, and it’s making me want him. He’s attractive, his lips are soft, and he knows what he’s doing.
    You look at me and nod your head and silently say “continue,” and so I do, I turn my face, and the man, he kisses me. It’s hesitant and light at first, he’s gingerly proceeding, but when I do not move away, his kiss it deepens and hardens.
    His hand moves down onto my shoulder and he pulls me toward him, and my hand finds his thick arm, and I pull him toward me.
    I kiss him back, and find his tongue and touch it ever so lightly, and I can feel my cheeks on fire and an ache in my belly. Not for the man I’m kissing, even though he is attractive. But it’s because I know you’re watching me and stewing in ferocity.
    And then you are beside me and you’re jerking me away, and I’m pulled to my feet by your power and your strength. You drag me out of the bar, your fingers in my collar, and I look behind me at the man and offer him a smile. He can only return to me a confused and stupid look, and I wave at him, and blow him a kiss, and then you drag me outside.
    You pull me roughly by my collar into a darkened alley. It’s a tiny space between two buildings, and metal piping surrounds us. You push me hard against the brick wall, and the force of it, it shocks me. And then you move in for a kiss, a kiss like no other could be.
    You break the kiss and urgently whisper into my ear. “You’re

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