Leash Me (Your Pet For The Night)

Leash Me (Your Pet For The Night) by Audrey Grace Page A

Book: Leash Me (Your Pet For The Night) by Audrey Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Audrey Grace
Tags: bdsm erotica
ears, just softly and quietly, as you watch the girls.
    Not much longer later you rise, and I think that we must be going. “No,” you say, “we’re not leaving yet,” and you tell me, “just stay put.”
    I watch as you walk to one of the girls, a pretty, dainty thing. She’s got auburn hair that cascades down in perfect streamlined flatness. She’s a bit bigger, certainly curvier, than the rest of the women. But it suits her; she wears it well, and she’s undeniably sexy.
    She’s also naked — completely naked, and for some reason that surprised me. I guess that’s because I’d never actually been to a strip club, and only seen the brief glimpses on the telly and in movies.
    You tell her, “I want a lap dance,” and you tell me, “and you’re to watch.” I nod my head in diffidence, realizing the torture of what is to come.
    I watch as this woman, her nude and voluptuous body, writhes it all around you. I watch as her hair brushes past your nose and I see you smell it. I watch as her nipples, large and stiff, are rubbed against your chest, and I watch as she turns and places her round, firm bum right in the crotch of your trousers.
    I can see what she’s doing to you, how she’s turning you on. I can see your arousal, feel it even, as if it is an aura that surrounds your body, and even more, as if it was palpable.
    But there’s more to your arousal, and I can see that, too. I can see what it’s doing to you to watch me watch her touch you.
    “Good kitty,” you say, looking at me, and I purr at you. I am a good kitty, despite my desires, but I want to touch you so badly. But I cannot, not until you say, so I stay where I am and watch this women work her craft all over your perfect body.
    So I stay where I am, and continue to want you badly.
    The girl finishes and smiles at you, and you place a few bills into her outstretched hand. She takes it into her closed fist, and walks away and blows you a kiss, and you watch her as she walks, staring at that round, firm bum.
    You suddenly reach over to me and grip me by my collar. You pull me toward you and kiss me deeply, all tongue and teeth and panting breath.
    I devour it hungrily, and bite your lip, and suck your tongue, and taste your saliva.
    But you break the kiss and pull me to my feet, and your hand dives into your pocket and out comes the leash.
    You attach it to my collar once more, and lead me out of the strip club. I can see your excitement in your trousers, but gradually it subsides, and I’m left without a stimulating sight.
    But a stimulating memory is formed.
    I know the night is young, and will not ebb away just yet. I do not know where you are leading me, but I am content to follow.
    And more than that, I must follow.
    You lead me down the throbbing streets of Melbourne, past the gang of kids and crazies sitting outside Flinders, and through a set or narrow alleys to a little gem of a bar. It is like the so many others simply scattered and hidden around the city. You have to know where it is to find it.
    This one is goth inspired, and in it exotic looking people in their blacks and chains and studs squirm and writhe under a red glowing light, thrash and whip to loud, cacophonous music.
    “Stop,” you say, “stop right here,” and I dutifully obey. We are right outside the entrance to the bar, and the booming base thumps right out into the cool and open air to blast us with vibrations.
    “Look inside and watch those people,” you whisper into my ear, and I smell the faint smell of smoke still lingering on your breath. It makes me want to kiss you.
    I move to get a better look and you press your body up against mine. “Go inside,” you whisper softly. “Go inside and find a man, a man you find attractive.” I turn to look at you, a question in my eyes. “Don’t worry,” you say quickly, “I’ll follow right behind you. So go and find a man you like and start a conversation. Flirt with him and chat with him and let him buy you a

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