Laurie Brown
    “I’ll be home by midnight.” Dev kissed his mother on the forehead and left. He paused at the door for a glance back in Josie’s
     direction before he continued on his way with another shake of his head.
    “Just as well,” Mrs. Binns said.“We’re exhausted from our journey and would not be fit company. We’ll take dinner in our rooms
     and won’t disturb whatever plans you’ve made.”
    Josie figured Honoria must have referred to a séance scheduled for that very night.The fact that Mrs. Binns spoke for her
     rankled Josie just a bit, but she decided it was best to go along with the program. Once Mrs. Binns was tucked in for the
     night Josie could sneak downstairs and hopefully wangle an invitation to participate.
    Maybe Deverell could help with that. Where was that pesky ghost anyway? He wouldn’t have abandoned her in this time, would
    She looked in every nook and alcove as she followed Mrs. Binns and the housekeeper up a grand staircase and down a long carpeted
     hall lined with artwork to a lovely suite of rooms. The two bedrooms were connected by a sitting room decorated in sage green
     and soft gold.
    No ghost.
    After Mrs. Binns expressed her satisfaction with the accommodations, they were introduced to Dora, their assigned maid, and
     Nellie, another maid who was helping unpack the trunks that had been delivered while the ladies had tea.
    Still, no Deverell. “Materialize, damn you,” she whispered under her breath. Nothing. Not an ethereal image. Not even an intangible
    As Mrs. Binns dozed in the chair, Nellie worked in the other bedroom and Dora finished unpacking for Josie.
    The maid oohed and aahed as she took dress after dress from the trunks designated as Josie’s. She was just as awed as the
     maid because she’d never seen any of the beautiful gowns before.
    “I had them made to order and shipped to Mrs. Binn’s residence to include with her own luggage,” Deverell said as he appeared
     lounging against the windowsill.
    “Don’t do that!”
    Although Josie had spoken to Deverell, it was the maid who reacted with dismay.
    “What? Don’t do what?” Dora asked, her eyes wide.
    “Don’t put that dress in the wardrobe,”Josie said to cover her outburst.“I’ll wear that one this evening.”
    “But this is a day dress.”
    “Well, it doesn’t make sense to get all dressed up to have dinner in my room, now does it?”
    “I suppose not,” Dora said, laying the dress on the bed and brushing it smooth. “It could use a good pressing.”
    “Fabulous idea.Why don’t you do that now and I’ll finish the unpacking myself.”
    “Oh, no. I couldn’t...”
    “Go on.” Josie scooped up the dress and shoved it into the maid’s arms. “Take your time. I’ll be...resting—that’s it. I’ll
     take a nap in the meantime, so don’t rush back.” She shooed Dora out the door and then spun around to face Deverell.
    “Where have you been, Mister I’ll-be-there-to-help-you-with-any-difficulties?”
    “This isn’t working out as I’d planned.”
    “What was your first clue? Is that why you disappeared when I needed you most?”
    “I had no choice.”
    “Oh really?”
    “I—meaning the flesh and blood me—am already here.”
    “Yes. I met him, I mean you.” She didn’t want to elaborate on that, still didn’t understand her visceral reaction. Nothing
     of the sort had ever happened to her before.“And you didn’t know he, I mean you, would be here at this particular time.”
    “My memory is a bit foggy where my final weeks alive are concerned. And it was a very long time ago. It’s not as if I called
     on my mother in the country all that often. I much preferred my townhouse in London. Most of my visits were short and unremarkable.
     It’s no wonder I didn’t remember this particular date.”
    “Great, so you’re both here. What does that mean to your plan?”
    “Well, I, meaning the ghost me, apparently cannot be in the same

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