Tangerine Morning: Jezzica's Story (Serenity Cove Series)

Tangerine Morning: Jezzica's Story (Serenity Cove Series) by Rita Garcia

Book: Tangerine Morning: Jezzica's Story (Serenity Cove Series) by Rita Garcia Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rita Garcia
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and Ted.”
    “These killers won’t wait long to make their move.” Zack forked a bite of the steamy potatoes, then speared a piece of crisp bacon. “I swear this town has the best food on the planet.”
    “Long as you stay away from the burritos at Mick’s Bar.” Logan cringed, as though he’d had personal experience with Mick’s food.
    “I’ll take your word for it.” Zack pushed back his plate and drained the last of the coffee from his cup. “I’m out of here. I’ll go tackle talking to Jezz.”
    “Good luck. She isn’t going to be easy to convince.” Logan tossed his napkin onto his plate and slid out of the booth.
    They climbed into their trucks and turned opposite directions onto Shoreview Drive. Zack parked in the driveway of his cottage, went around back and walked the few feet to Jezzica’s back stairs. A heron perched on a piece of driftwood and in one swift motion, spread his magnificent blue tip wings and took flight over the roaring waves.
    The sisters were sitting on the deck with empty dishes spread out on the table. “Have a seat.” Catylen scooted over, leaving an open chair for Zack.
    “Coffee?” Jezzica offered.
    “Thanks, but I just finished breakfast with Logan. That’s what I came to talk to you about.”
    “Oh. What’s going on?” Curiosity filled her expression.
    Zack delivered the detailed plan and fire flamed in Jezzica’s eyes. “No. I’ll be the one to lure them in. They know what I look like and I’m the one they want.”
    Zack clenched his jaw. Women. “Not a good idea. These guys mean business.”
    “And so do I. I’ve had enough of their miserable lowlife ways.” She set her cup down and sloshed coffee onto the table. “Now if you don’t mind, I’m going for a short run before I head to the shop.”
    “Hold up. I’ll join you—we need to finish this discussion.”
    She practically smirked at him. “Go square things with Logan. I’ll meet you at the bookshop around noon.”
    He sent Nicole a text, advising her of Jezzica’s whereabouts. Then settled on a rock and kept Jezzica in view until he heard back from Nicole, confirming she was in the area. The message arrived and he drove to the station.
    He located Logan in the conference room. “Jezzica is insisting on being in the bookshop.” Zack flipped a chair around and straddled it.
    “She’s right. They do know what she looks like. See about a bulletproof vest for her. I don’t want her sister and nieces in the shop—too many and someone will get hurt when this thing goes down.”
    Zack swirled the chair back under the table and slammed out of the room. He checked the equipment room and found a vest for Jezzica, knowing full well it could only do so much. He went into his office and closed the door harder than necessary. Between the burglaries and the criminals’ escape—he had a multitude of forms and reports to write. Maybe the task would take his mind off Jezzica’s crazy plan. In a sudden move, he kicked back his chair and with a determined stride stormed out of his office. No way could he concentrate on detail work.
    He checked the time, and headed to the bookshop. He wasn’t happy as he parked and saw the lights through the windows. The door was unlocked and he was able to walk right in—what if he’d been one of the killers?
    She smiled at him as he walked in. “You’re early.”
    He held back the reprimand he wanted to unleash on her, as he nodded to Catylen and the two young women helping her.
    “Zack, these are my lovely nieces. This is Tasha.” Jezzica tilted her head toward the one with the chocolate colored hair like both her mother and aunt. “And this is Lauren.” She indicated the taller of the two with blond hair. A dramatic difference in coloring—but their features confirmed they were indeed sisters.
    He looked from one to the other. “My pleasure. I hope you’re enjoying your visit.”
    Catylen grinned. “Oh, they are. Especially spending time marinating on

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