Landing a Laird

Landing a Laird by Jane Charles Page B

Book: Landing a Laird by Jane Charles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jane Charles
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from Heathfields’ ball last night.”
    “ Go on,” Lydell prompted when Jordan paused to take a drink from the glass just set before him.
    Jordan glanced at Gideon. “I should have known those two would make an issue of the young woman’s words.”
    “ Jordan,” Lydell warned, running out of patience.  Gideon had seen these two in similar conversations over the last ten years.  The more Lydell wanted to know something, the longer Jordan took in the telling.  
    “ You were there too?” Gideon asked.
    Jordan turned to him.  “I was right behind Lady Moira. Her mother had just glared at me. I don’t understand why mothers don’t like me.  Have I ever ruined an innocent, spoke cruelly to a young lady? It is very disconcerting to be treated as a pariah when I have done nothing wrong.”
    Nothing wrong .  The man was the very definition of rake , but what he said was true. Mothers hated him, and young debutants adored him.
    “ What did she say?” Lydell ground out.
    Jordan returned his attention to the much frustrated Lydell. “Before this Season is out, I will find a gentleman to take me to Scotland, even if I have to compromise him to do so."
    “ Good God,” Gideon stammered. “Why the devil would she make such a statement?”
    “ I don’t know.”  Jordan shrugged.
    “ Is it her appearance?  Does she think no gentleman will offer for her, so she’d best hie off to Gretna before he changes his mind?” Lydell prompted.
    “ No, I don’t think so.  In fact, she was rather pretty.”
    Lydell sighed with annoyance. “Why was my name put in the betting book then?”
    “ Her dowry.” Jordan leaned forward and lowered his voice. “Five thousand pounds.
    Gideon sat back and whistled.  The amount of the chit’s dowry would have every destitute and non-destitute gentleman on her doorstep as soon as the news spread.  “Where did you come by this information?”
    “ Her brother, Hearne. And he was none too happy after reading the book a short time ago.”
    Moira paused at the bottom step to eavesdrop on her mother’s conversation.  “I don’t know why Lady Heathfield allowed reprobates like Jordan Trent or that horrid St. Austell in her home.  Perhaps having lived in the wilds of Yorkshire all of her life, she doesn’t know any better.”
    Both names were familiar. Her mother had pointed out the gentlemen with a strong warning to avoid them completely before Moira found her reputation in shreds.  While her mother’s opinion did make the gentlemen all the more interesting, they would never do.  Neither was Scottish.
    “ I believe the fellows are friends of Lord Heathfield,” her brother offered.
    “ Well, the man is married now and should cease associating with such persons.”
    “ Trent also happens to be a good friend of mine ,” her brother continued.
    “ The same goes for you.  You should have broken ties with that man long ago.”
    Moira rolled her eyes, took a deep breath, and calmly walked into the room.  “Good afternoon, Alvina and Nyle.”
    Her sister-in-law wore a forced grin Moira recognized all too well.  It was the same look all of her sisters-in-law adopted when spending above five minutes with her mother.
    “ How was your evening, Moira?” Alvina asked. “Did you enjoy your first ball?”
    “ The few moments I was allowed to remain were quite pleasant.”
    “ You were there an hour,” her mother chastised. “It was long enough for a first appearance.”
    Moira poured herself a cup of tea, adding only one sugar since her mother was watching, before settling into a chair beside the one where her brother lounged. She preferred at least three sugars, but her mother scolded if she took more than one.
    “ Enough about society,” her mother announced and turned to Nyle.  “I don’t understand why you and Alvina do not live here with us. It is the family home. You are the earl. Why rent a small townhouse for the Season?”
    Moira could answer that question

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