Lady Olivia's Undoing
seven-and-thirty years ago.”
    Olivia stared at him. Her eyes welled. “Oh,
Henry. You kept it all this time.” She had often wondered over the
years how Henry truly felt about her. Now she knew.
    Henry put down his glass and kissed her.
“Come darling, let us return to the ball, and celebrate.”
    “Are you sure you do not wish to go
upstairs?” Olivia asked.
    “As much as it pains me to say, yes, I am
sure. I do not wish to take you upstairs.”
    “Very well. Let us return to the ball.” Henry
Wade was as perfect as Olivia had always imagined. A true
gentleman. And she was secretly relieved that she would not share
his bed. As much as she loved Henry, she owed John that much.
    Olivia and Henry returned to the ball and it
was not long before word spread that they were engaged.
Congratulations rang from every corner. Olivia held onto her single
glass of champagne, and would not let anyone refill it. As the
toasts grew more bawdy, Olivia excused herself from the gaiety to
find the ladies withdrawing room.
    “Cousin?” a voice called. “Cousin Olivia.
    Olivia turned to her left, then right. Ariana
pushed through the crowd.
    “I am so glad I found you at last,” Ariana
said. “I hate to impose, but I am quite done in. May I have use of
the carriage? I could not find my father or I would have asked for
    “Of course, dearest. Where is Bella?”
    “Dancing. She is making a spectacle of
herself with the Duke of Straford. She has danced with him four
    “That is alarming.” Olivia wondered at
the girl’s cheeky behaviour. “Where are your parents?”
    “The last I saw Mama, she and her cousins
were talking by the terrace doors. I have no idea where Father
    Olivia reached for Ariana’s hand and then
realized the poor girl could barely walk. “Oh, Ariana, forgive me.
Let us find you a place to sit while I search for your mother.”
Luckily, the formal parlour sat to the left of the front door.
“Come with me, dearest. I know just the place for a respite.”
    Olivia helped Ariana to the front parlour.
She gave instructions to two footman, and left Ariana waiting for a
cup of tea. Olivia knew that Reginald would not be in the ballroom,
and checked the dining room first. On the second floor, Olivia
spotted Ariana’s father walking toward the library. Olivia called
out to him. He stopped and turned around, surprise on his face when
he realized it was Olivia.
    “I must speak with you,” Olivia said.
“Ariana’s leg pains her and requested to leave. She also informs me
that Bella has danced with Edward Perrington four times. You would
do best to curb your daughter’s enthusiasm where Straford is
concerned.” She smiled. “I will see Ariana home.” Then she turned
and walked away.
    Olivia returned to the parlour. A young man
with a ghastly bandage on the left side of his face spoke with
Ariana. He looked slightly familiar, but Olivia was too harried to
think about it. When he caught sight of her, he rose.
    Ariana tried to rise, but fell back on the
sofa. “Cousin Olivia. May I present Mr. Stephen Summerville,
Bella’s fiancé.” She looked at Stephen. “Mr. Summerville, this is
my mother’s cousin, Her Grace, Lady Leighton, Duchess of
    The young man offered a bow. “Your Grace, it
is very nice to make your acquaintance.”
    “What happened to your face?” Olivia
    “Kicked by a horse, Your Grace.”
    “I hope you kicked it in return.”
    Mr. Summerville tried to smile.
    Olivia looked at Ariana. “Are you ready to
leave, dearest?” She picked up her cape from the back of a chair.
“Do you need assistance?”
    “Allow me.” Mr. Summerville placed his arm
around Ariana’s back and gently lifted her from the sofa. He held
her cane ready and when she grabbed it, he slipped her velvet shawl
around her shoulders.
    “Thank you, Stephen,” Ariana said.
    Now Olivia understood the discord between
Ariana and Bella. There was no doubt in Olivia’s mind

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