Kismet (Beyond the Bedroom Series)

Kismet (Beyond the Bedroom Series) by Raynesha Pittman, Brandie Randolph

Book: Kismet (Beyond the Bedroom Series) by Raynesha Pittman, Brandie Randolph Read Free Book Online
Authors: Raynesha Pittman, Brandie Randolph
screening is a questionnaire. You seem like you don’t need help with it, so I will leave you to complete it. I will return in five minutes.”
    The questions on this form were so intimate. How many sex partners had you had in the last 12 months? I didn’t have to think to answer this question. Going backward, it was Marcus, Stephanie, Dre, Amir, Gina, and the one night stand I had with whatever his name was in New Orleans.
    Compared to last year, I had been a saint when it came to being sexual. I did a lot of traveling last year which led to a lot of one night stands.
    I had gotten to the last question when the nurse returned. “Change into this gown and leave the front open.” She scanned over my questionnaire and I watched her eyes open wide, but she got herself together and played it off like it didn’t happen.
    “The doctor asked me to draw a little blood from you and send it to the lab so you can get all your results today like you requested.” I extended my arm and turned my head.
    When she finished, she said, “I will be back once Dr. Davis is done. We should be able to get you into an ultrasound today. They are not that busy.”
    I guess a full physical included an ultrasound of my uterus to check for cervical cancer. That is why I loved my GYN clinic; they were so thorough.
    Dr. Davis was the sexiest female doctor I had ever seen. She was about 40 years old, 5 feet 11inches tall, about 155 pounds, ex-college basketball star, with a gap between her two front teeth; but, it was sexy on her oval face. A no nonsense type of woman. She fussed me down the last time I got an abortion. She told me if I kept getting abortions when I really wanted to have a baby, I wouldn’t be able to have one. Silently I prayed that would be the case so I wouldn’t have to worry about taking care of nobody but me. She walked in and greeted me with a smile. “How are you, Ms. James?” I greeted her back.
    “So, where do we begin? I made you my last patient for today since there is so much to do.” She grabbed my chart and sat down looking over my questionnaire.
    “Four men, two women. Those numbers are down from last year,” she said with a wink. Thank God for the doctor/patient confidentiality. I could tell her anything and if she exposed it without my consent, she could lose her license. She turned the page, read for a little bit and stepped out the room. She returned with the nurse.
    “I’m going to send you to take your ultrasound before I continue. That will allow time for your blood test to return. Daisy will take you to have it done and I will see you when you make it back.”
    This is why I will never get pregnant. The ultrasound technician put some kind of gooey, cold, gel stuff on my stomach and pressed down on my stomach with her ultrasound instrument. To make matters worse, she stuck a probe into my vagina while I sat on my balled up fists. I love the word pussy, but the way this exam made me feel, vagina would be more suiting. “Does everything look okay?” It was like I was talking to myself.
    The technician didn’t respond. “Can you hear? I said does everything look okay?” She pulled the iPod headphone out of her ears. “I’m sorry; I’m not at liberty to say, the doctor will go over the results with you”.
    Daisy took me back upstairs to my room. I sat there for 30 minutes before Dr. Davis came back in with my labs and ultrasound results.
    “Savannah, did you have a normal period last month?” I shook my head yes. “Why do you ask? Is something wrong?”
    She asked the nurse to give us a minute. “I have not done your pelvic exam yet, but there are some things we need to talk about.”
    She moved closer to me. “Your urine test came back with high hCG levels. So I ordered the blood work which confirmed my suspicions.” I didn’t know what she was talking about but my heart started beating fast.
    “What is hCG? Does it have

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