Slocum 420

Slocum 420 by Jake Logan

Book: Slocum 420 by Jake Logan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jake Logan
something over and then pressed his palms together. “That’s outside of town limits.”
    â€œFunny, because when I went to the marshal about this, he said it was a town matter.”
    â€œWell, strictly speaking, it’s not something I would expect the marshal to deal with. If there was an escaped fugitive or some outlaws . . . if either of those men were ambushed by bandits . . . it would fall more in line with his regular duties.” Leaning forward expectantly, the sheriff asked, “Were either of the men shot, by any chance?”
    Once again, the sheriff clapped his hands together as if to prove just how empty they were. “There now. That just shows it wasn’t done by any gunmen.”
    â€œA man can kill another man without using a gun,” Slocum pointed out.
    â€œVery true. From what I heard, though, those men were ripped to pieces. Mauled by some animal. The marshal’s responsibilities don’t extend to hunting wild game in the woods outside of town.”
    â€œWhat about ensuring the safety of folks who live in this town?” Slocum asked.
    â€œThat can only go so far,” the sheriff said. “Regrettably we can only keep the peace within certain limitations. If a good citizen of this town were traveling, say, to Cheyenne and got robbed there . . . neither I nor the marshal could do much about it.”
    â€œDon’t talk to us like we’re fools,” Slocum snapped. “Those two men were attacked while doing their jobs, and their jobs are at that mill, which, as I understand it, is the foundation of this damn town.”
    The sheriff’s face took on a stern expression. “I’ll thank you not to take that tone with me.”
    â€œAnd I’ll thank you to—”
    â€œWhat I believe my friend is trying to say,” Womack cut in before Slocum pushed the conversation even further in a bad direction, “is that something needs to be done about this. Whoever or whatever hurt those men is still out there.”
    â€œMan or beast,” Krueger said, “it could very well have moved on by now.”
    â€œIs that the stance of the law in this town?” Slocum asked with a snide laugh. “If that’s the case, remind me to rob the bank and then ride out of eyeshot.”
    â€œThat’s not fair, Mr. Slocum. Surely you don’t expect the law of a town to bother itself with every wild animal living in the woods?”
    â€œI would if that animal mauled two men!”
    â€œThen perhaps you’d like to go out and hunt this beast down yourself?” Krueger said as if he was issuing a challenge that he knew wouldn’t be answered.
    For that reason alone, Slocum replied, “Perhaps I will! And if I catch whoever is out there, I’ll expect to be paid!”
    The sheriff shrugged and then nodded. “That’s only fair.”
    â€œAh!” Womack said. “That sounds like a marvelous solution.”
    â€œWait. What just happened here?” Slocum asked.
    The sheriff stood up and Womack followed suit. Reaching a hand across his desk, the lawman said, “If you’re offering to lead a hunting party to find this beast, this town would be much obliged. I can send one of my boys out with you, but I don’t have nearly enough men to spare for something like this. That’s about all it boils down to, really. Surely you understand.”
    â€œYeah,” Slocum grunted as he turned to glare at the man standing beside him. “I understand just fine.”
    â€œWhich deputy would you suggest coming along with us?” Womack asked.
    After a small amount of thought, the lawman replied, “I suppose Charlie would do well enough. He’s done some hunting.”
    â€œForget it,” Slocum said. “How much of a fee are we talking, Sheriff?”
    â€œWhat do you mean, forget it?” the sheriff asked. “Are you

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