Fuck the Holidays
I fucking hate Christmas. It is my least favorite holiday of the year. Everyone who has been a dick to you all year long decides they are your best friend in the name of Christmas cheer. You are forced to deal with drunk co-workers at shitty company holiday parties. Everyone decides New York City is the most magical place on earth, and of course, the God damn tacky decorations. Whoever came up with the idea of putting a fucking live tree in your house should be shot.
“Stop being such a fucking Grinch, Seven.” Levi stumbles out of the elevator dragging the smallest tree I could get him to agree to at the lot across from Rockefeller Center. This was after he dragged me onto the ice with the masses of tourists. Can you see why my pregnant ass is grumpy? I can guarenfuckingtee you would be too.
“I'm fat, and exhausted.” I bark back at him, pulling a bottle of water from the fridge. “I don't even understand why we need to decorate, we are leaving for Star's house in the morning.” I gave in before Thanksgiving and agreed to celebrate the holidays in her brand new spacious home in Woodstock. I’ve done my best to avoid that town like the plague, but knowing my parents were long gone kind of cleared the coast for me.
“We might be leaving in the morning, but I still want a small tree. Come on Seven, you have to get into it. What happens when the baby is born? You can't be such a damn Debbie Downer for the holidays.” He’s right, but it doesn't make me any less pissy. I’ve been trying to tone back my attitude lately and it seems the hormones have only made shit worse. Once the word of pregnancy spread around the office, every last person has been avoiding me for fear that I will bury them six feet under. I don't blame them, because I probably would.
“Just turn the fireplace on, put your feet up and relax. Once I get the tree up, I’ll come rub your feet.” He really knows the key to my heart. Although, rub my feet has become a code word for foreplay. My sexual appetite is strong as ever. I am one of those horny pregnant women, unfortunately most of my toys have been left at the door. Levi is worried he’s going to hurt me or the baby somehow. Hysterical huh?
My hands rest on the tiniest swell of my baby bump, not noticeable to the eyes of a stranger, but the small rounding curve has certainly caught my own attention. My body is changing in ways I never thought, all of my pants are becoming more snug, my bra size has already grown, and my feet are constantly rebelling against my heels. Which I fucking hate.
“How do you feel about going back to Woodstock?” Levi catches me off guard, I was far too busy musing about my body to consider the weight of his question. Only a few weeks ago we had taken the long drive upstate for Thanksgiving as a family with Star, my new found niece Magnolia, and Star's new family. It was an interesting weekend to say the least. I’m happy for her, genuinely happy. She’s finally in a good place, drug free, and living the life most normal people would only dream of.
But, things are different. I never thought I would see the day when we both started moving in our own directions in life. We never lived more than a ten minute drive apart. Now, we’re five hours apart. I guess this is what they call life, right? I just can't help but feel like I’m losing her.
“I'm okay with it. I mean, I hate Woodstock. But, I enjoy spending time with Star and Magnolia.” The truth is, I love that little girl. For being under the care of our parents for five long years, she is amazingly well adjusted. I could get used to the family holidays upstate, it’s just going to take me some time to get used to it all.
“No comment on Star's new biker gang?” I scoff at Levi. She certainly has some colorful new characters in her life, but what else is new? The people she chose to spend her time with in Manhattan weren't much better.
“Whatever makes her happy,” I
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