Kingdom's Call

Kingdom's Call by Chuck Black

Book: Kingdom's Call by Chuck Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chuck Black
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infant. My mother did the best she could, and when I was old enough she arranged for me to be a squire under Kifus, who had trained under my father for some time. One evening, when I was still a boy, a large fellow came to our home asking for food. It was raining heavily, and he was soaked to the bone. He looked weary, so my mother showed pity and invited him to eat supper with us, even though I could tell she was very nervous about letting him into our home. He did not carry a sword or any weapon that I could see, but when he took off his drenched cloak and stood straight I was amazed at his size. He said he was just passing through the city on his way to a distant land. He was a quiet fellow, so my mother did most of the talking through the meal. He seemed genuinely interested in all she said.”
    Gavin paused as he thought of his mother.
    â€œShe talked more about my father that night than I had ever heard before or since. After the meal, my mother offered the man a place to sleep in the stable, and he accepted. We quartered his horse and a colt he had with him. In the morning, we fed him breakfast, and he prepared to leave. Before he did, though, he put the colt’s reins in my mother’s hand andsaid, ‘The compassion of One heals many sorrows.’ My mother tried to refuse his gift, but he would not allow it. The man mounted his horse and then looked at me. ‘Take good care of Triumph, and he will take good care of you,’ he said. I never understood why the man felt as though he needed to give us a colt in exchange for a meal and a straw bed, but I was grateful. Triumph trained well, and he brought great success to me as the mighty horse of a Noble Knight. He saved my life on more than one occasion.”
    Gavin paused. He tried to make a fist with his right hand and then looked to the ground.
    â€œNow I am no longer a Noble Knight, and neither am I a Knight of the Prince. My cause has left me, and my heart is empty but for the grief that swells with each passing hour for my offenses against the King, the Prince, and His people. My sword is not what I thought it to be, and the strength of my arm has abandoned me. Even Triumph seems to understand that I am nothing but a pauper now.”
    Weston looked on Gavin with compassion and smiled, but Gavin’s sadness deepened even further.
    â€œDo you delight in my demise, Weston?” Gavin asked. “Although … I cannot condemn you, for I deserve much more than a vengeful smile from a former foe.”
    Weston shook his head. “No, Gavin. I do not delight in your demise. I delight in your heart, for everyone who is to follow the Prince must first understand his own unworthiness. He must first understand that he is indeed a pauper.”
    Weston placed a firm hand on Gavin’s good shoulder.“You are in the place of beginnings, my friend. Few find it, but now you are not far from beginning your new life in service to the King, the Prince, and the Code.”
    Gavin was confused, for Weston seemed to talk in riddles. He was not comforted, and the memories of his past continued to haunt him.
    Over the next few days, a friendship grew between the men, and Gavin found opportunity to further enjoy the company of Adelaide and Keaton. Their joyful presence often left him smiling. The children entreated him to join in a number of their games. With each passing day he became fonder of the children. Weston talked frequently of the Prince, and the veil of deception was slowly lifting from Gavin’s mind, although he was becoming impatient with his healing. The zeal within his soul was awakening again, and he could not find peace on the bed of recovery.
    Late one bright afternoon, Gavin and Weston were walking beside a row of mature elm trees that framed the front courtyard of Cresthaven. A rider on horseback approached the men. Gavin had never seen him before, but Weston did not seem alarmed.
    â€œSir Nias! It is good to see

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