Kingdom's Call

Kingdom's Call by Chuck Black Page A

Book: Kingdom's Call by Chuck Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chuck Black
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you again,” Weston said as the man halted his horse and dismounted.
    Gavin recognized the mark of the Prince on his tunic.
    â€œAnd you, Sir Weston. I see your patient is in better condition than when I last saw him,” Nias replied.
    â€œSir Gavin, this is Sir Nias of Denrith.”
    Gavin bowed. “I am pleased to meet you, sir.”
    â€œWere it not for Nias, you probably would have died, Gavin,” Weston said.
    Gavin was confused, for he was sure he had never seen this man before.
    â€œNias arrived at Cresthaven just when we thought we were losing you to the fever. He brought a salve to apply to your wound that broke the fever,” Weston explained.
    Gavin turned to Nias. “Then I am indeed indebted to you and all the more pleased to have met you, sir, that I may someday repay your good service to me.”
    â€œI am not the one to thank, sir, for I had little to do with your recovery. I was simply a messenger.”
    â€œCan you join us for supper?” Weston asked Nias.
    â€œThank you, but I must decline your kind offer. I have come to deliver a message, and then I must be on my way.” Nias turned to Gavin and looked at him as though he was unsure if he should speak his words.
    â€œSir Gavin,” he paused. “The Prince you saw on your way to Denrith did also appear to me and commanded that I deliver a message to you this day. He said, ‘By the shores of the Crimson River, you shall be made whole.’ ”
    Gavin waited for more, but there was none.
    Weston looked at Nias. “He would have to travel through the Forest of Renault to reach the Crimson River.”
    Nias looked somber. “The message is not mine to change, Weston. I must be on my way.”
    He mounted his horse and prepared to leave, but first turned to face Gavin.
    â€œYou should know, Sir Gavin, that word of your change in allegiance has reached Kifus. The Followers in Chessington tell us that he has sworn to find you and kill you. Contingents of Noble Knights are searching for you as we speak.”
    Nias looked at Weston, saluted, then turned and galloped back toward Denrith. Gavin and Weston spent a moment in silence as they watched Nias disappear over a grassy knoll in the distance.
    Although Gavin had expected such a reaction from Kifus and the Noble Knights eventually, he was not fully prepared to hear Nias’s blunt warning, especially since he knew that it was likely very few of the Followers even believed that his heart had truly changed. He felt like an outcast between two kingdoms at war.
    â€œMy presence here is putting you and your family in grave danger,” Gavin said to Weston.
    â€œI knew the risk when I agreed to bring you to my home.
    We will be all right.”
    â€œI admire your courage, my friend, but I will not be the cause of any more anguish to innocent people.” Gavin’s gaze left the knoll and rested on Weston. “I know the Noble Knights. They will be ruthless in their search and execution of those abetting a traitor. How do I find the Crimson River?”
    â€œYou don’t understand, Gavin. The journey there is—” Weston paused.
    â€œWhat is your concern?” Gavin asked.
    â€œThere are regions in the Forest of Renault that are extremely dangerous. Are you familiar with the caralynx?”
    â€œI have heard of such cats, but have never seen one.”
    â€œThe caralynx of Renault are very aggressive and thus make travel through the forest quite treacherous,” Weston said.
    â€œWhy are they more dangerous than any other wildcat?” Gavin asked.
    â€œBecause of the manner in which they attack. They have skin that joins their forelimbs to their hind limbs. This allows them to glide through the air when leaping from trees, which is where they dwell almost exclusively. They descend silently on their prey from above. What makes them especially dangerous are the dewclaws on their

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