King Dom Comes

King Dom Comes by Breanna Hayse Page A

Book: King Dom Comes by Breanna Hayse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Breanna Hayse
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would much
rather see a switch brought to your bottom than a sword to your throat, so I
ask that you not tempt them."
would permit them to beat me?" Shannon looked appalled.
would not stop them if the circumstance arose," Dom said firmly.
"They would only lay waste to your backside, and only with good reason. Do
not give any of them reason."
I to expect this brutal treatment for the remainder of my life?"
you continue in your mischief, yes." Dom smiled, kissing her knuckles.
"Let us return to camp. The hunting party brought down a deer, and there
is venison roasting on a spit as we speak."
felt her mouth water. It had been decades since she had tasted venison. She
nodded, taking his proffered hand, and slowly followed him several feet before
he scooped her into his powerful arms.
will carry you. Not because your knee is injured or your bottom hurts,"
Dom nibbled upon her ear, "but because I do not want you spiriting
yourself again into the night."
scent of garlic, salted pork fat, and fragrant bundles of fresh rosemary filled
the air as the meat sizzled and sputtered over the over flame. A hearty stew of
turnips, parsnips, potatoes and carrots simmered over a second cook-fire. The
men took turns turning the spit and stirring the pot, all the while laughing
heartily as they spoke of the rare forest feast they were about to consume. Ale
was passed around, and each drank deeply as they watched the mesmerizing flames
jump and crackle under the dripping fat.
Sire?" one soldier offered, as Dom approached.
that will quench my thirst. One for my lady as well."
man nodded, clearly avoiding meeting Shannon's gaze. She looked around the
fire. None of the men acknowledged her.
time for damage to be undone," Dom whispered in her ear. He lifted his
goblet to her lips. "To your health, my fair druid. Drink to cool your
blood in the middle of a sweltering night."
sipped and wrinkled her nose. She hated tepid ale. She called upon the
elements, and smiled as the men gasped over the sudden frost lining their cups.
"Cool ale for a warm evening is much more refreshing, yes?"
are filled with surprises, my beauty. Please, allow me to serve you."
sat in silent wonder as the King of Moldavia, the terror of the Slavic nations,
sliced the tender roasted meat on her platter and poured thick stew atop of it.
He placed it upon a stump and bowed his head.
meal awaits, my lady."
Grace," she coughed out, confused by his behavior. "A king should not
be serving one such as me."
declares it wrong for a king to serve his lady?" Dom asked. He leaned into
her to whisper. "If I can take it upon myself to spank her, I can
certainly meet her more tender needs, can I not?"
gulped, nodding. He sat next to her and sliced a piece of meat, stabbed it with
his knife, and brought it to her lips. "Eat. You will need the strength
later, to deal with your discipline."
felt her stomach turn. How could he show so much kindness, yet still consider
punishing her?
      "Why must that be?"
you forget your behavior so quickly?" Dom ask with amusement. "Do you
not remember the tantrum you threw? The pelting of pinecones? The childish
stomping away?"
am not going to punish you for the injury done to my captain. That was in your
own defense. Nor will I discipline you for the words spoken to me. Those were
said out of fear. I am a fair and just man," Dom said firmly, "and I
do not distribute chastisement lightly. You have earned yourself a thorough
strapping, and you shall receive it once your backside recovers from the
discipline you received this morning. Do not deny it. The tenderness upon which
you sit tells all."
bent her face to the ground in shame. Her confusion grew as he folded her in
his arms and kissed the side of her face. He lifted another morsel to her mouth,
and she delicately bit down upon

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