King Dom Comes

King Dom Comes by Breanna Hayse

Book: King Dom Comes by Breanna Hayse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Breanna Hayse
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its rays piercing through the thickets and
leaving behind a subtle glow on the edges of the leaves. Shannon sat upon a
large rock in a clearing, and rubbed her throbbing knee. She looked up to the
sky as the first stars began to twinkle above her, and allowed the peacefulness
of the place to calm her heart.
riddled her heart once again. Her words to Dom had been cruel. He had done what
was necessary to save his people and so many others that would otherwise have
been mercilessly slaughtered by a rampaging, enemy army. She had never borne
witness to a battle, but knew that no one would be spared, not even the little
ones. The sisters had tried to teach her not to judge others against the
actions she would have chosen for herself. They had taught that different
people have different reasoning, and that wisdom came when one was open to
listen and learn. She had not shown wisdom, nor had she given Dom the courtesy
of listening. She condemned him for his gifts, yet all the while he had openly
accepted her abilities. She was a fool. A shameful, ignorant fool.
howl of a lone wolf sounded through the rustling trees as the moonlight rose to
shine upon the clearing. Shannon closed her eyes and lifted her palm to the sky.
A tiny flame appeared in her hand as though she had captured a star. The pain
in her knee and the soreness of her bottom forgotten, Shannon stood, and began
to dance to the sound of nature, the spirits and soft, plaintive music coming
from the depths of the earth and traveling up through her soul and out though
her lips.
    She began to sing,
surrendering to the sounds around her and the natural rhythm of life. Back and
forth, she moved in intoxicating self-expression, spinning and twirling upon the damp forest
floor and carrying the flame in her palm like a faery lantern. The moon
illuminated her face and she drew hope from its gentle beams. So lost was she in her trance, Shannon
did not hear the sound of footsteps approaching her.
gasped as his hands clasped hers, extinguishing the flame she had been
carefully guarding. He began to lead, moving with her in the exquisite dance
under the canopy of stars. Their bodies entwined, and then separated, as they
gave way to spontaneous movement. They danced as one, until their lips sealed
together, and they froze as though stopped by time.
beg your forgiveness," Shannon whispered, as his sensual mouth probed her
soft lips. "The things I said to you were cruel and uncalled for."
am as you say," Dom whispered back. "Justification does not make
murder any less than what it is."
was wrong to judge you for using your gift to save your country. I would have
probably done the same if I felt my people were in danger."
are passionate and outspoken. I admire these qualities," Dom said, his
mouth finding the soft, trembling patch under her throat. "You will make a
fine queen."
doubt those words. I cause too much strife."
I will correct you and you will learn to cause less," Dom said simply.
promise of correction is not at all appealing to me," Shannon moaned,
throwing her head back as his tongue traced the swollen tops of her bosom.
punishment is not appealing, but pain can be. I enjoy the delivery of
pain," Dom said huskily, nipping the exposed mound of her breast. "I
also enjoy the giving of pleasure."
pain really be appealing?"
mixed with pleasure, very much so. I have a dark side that enjoys indulging in
such activities."
it repulse me?"
think not," Dom whispered, nipping her neck and holding her as she
crumpled in his arms.
purred at the sensation. "Your men loathe me."
men will do what I tell them." His hands stroked down her side and along
her hip. "None will raise a sword to you again."
fear they will turn on me when you are not around."
will not. I do ask that you try to control your temper, though. They are still
men, and their loyalty to my family is embedded in their blood. They

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