Killing Halfbreed
burst out suddenly.
    “He killed Jinny’s dad!”
    “Look, boy, you throw in with us, you’re going to have plenty to do and no time for stuff like that.  Still, you might get the opportunity.  That is, if we don’t beat you to it.  Just sit over there for now.”
    Murph had decided to give him a chance to prove himself.  If it didn't work out, they would get rid of him.  While they were at it, they might just get rid of Byrd too.
    Finally, the door opened, letting a refreshing bit of cool air disrupt the stuffiness.  John and Jim Talon ducked into the already filled room, followed by Luke Phillips and Charlie Pugh.
    Time for the fun part: Dividing up the money.
    The man opened the envelope and studied the flowery script from his cousin back east.
    Dearest Cousin,
    I trust and hope you find yourself in good health as you receive this letter.  The realization of our common endeavor is growing near as I'm sure you are aware.
    The purpose of this correspondence is to secure verification from you that the property which I have previously mentioned on several occasions is indeed, without obstacle, available at this time for the fulfillment of our mutual goals, and will remain so until it is required.
    At our last speaking, you indicated some doubt in regards to this.  As I have many curious and aggressive investors, not to mention superiors, constantly pushing for the culmination of our project, I felt the need to contact you for affirmation that this situation has, in fact, been resolved.
    As I write, I am supremely confident of your abilities in matters such as these, as you demonstrated so many times here in New York.  Please advise me as to the current circumstances without delay, although I am undoubtedly sure of the positive nature of your response.
    Sinclair DuPont
    His cousin was as verbose as ever, and trusted just as little.  How many times did he have to reassure him that everything was in order and ready?
    The fact that things weren't exactly as settled as he made them out to be didn't matter, because it would be by the time it was needed.  He'd write Sinclair right away and tell him what he wanted to hear. He probably should send a telegram instead, since time was running short, but that could be risky.
    He didn't yet have Ben Talbot’s property in his hands, but he would...and soon.

         As if I couldn’t get any stupider, tonight I had decided to break into the home of Jim Dunagan.
    I pushed the cotton curtain aside and lifted my leg over the window sill.  Straddling the sill, a bellowing voice froze me in place.
    "One false move and I'll blow you to kingdom come.  I've got you covered with a scattergun and I ain't likely to miss.  Now, come on in the rest of the way, real slow and careful like, with your hands up!”
    I'd been trying to sneak into the ranch house to accomplish this very thing, a private meeting with Dunagan.  Things weren't exactly going according to plan though, Dunagan having caught me in the act of breaking in and covering me with a shotgun.  I’d wanted to have the advantage when we met, not be under the threat of being shot.  Oh well. 
    I considered turning tail and running, but I knew I wouldn't make it two feet before a large hole would be blown in my back.  Resignedly, I sighed and, lifting my hands high as ordered, did my best to stumble the rest of the way into the rancher's kitchen without humiliating myself by falling.
    Dunagan's eyes opened wide when he recognized the face before him.
    "Talbot!  Why of all the sneaky underhanded….what in the name of all that’s good are you doing breaking into my house in the middle of the night?  You've got three seconds to make a believer out of me before I blow you apart as your stinkin' carcass deserves!"
    Beads of sweat broke out across my forehead.  I didn’t like scatterguns, even less at this close a range.
    "I came here to talk with you peaceably,

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