
Kidnap by Lisa Esparza

Book: Kidnap by Lisa Esparza Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Esparza
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I slowly open my eyes, wondering where I am.
    The air feels thick, heavy. My eyes adjust to the orange glow that surrounds me. I try to stay calm.
    Telling myself not to panic that this is just a dream.
    This can’t be real. It can’t. But it is. I don’t know where I am or how I got here. I just remember going to sleep in my bed and waking up in this thing. I try to lift my arms or move my legs. They feel heavy like trying to left several weights. I slowly move my arm in front of my face. The orange fog moves as I wiggle my fingers. It’s so thick I can’t see but a few inches in front of me. I push my arm forward with my palm out hitting a wall. NO, what is this? I feel around with both my hands above me and below as far as I can reach.
    Swallowing hard I realize I’m in some kind of box.
    This isn’t a dream it’s a nightmare. I want to wake up, please let me wake up. I feel the terror rising inside of me, I want to scream to yell for help but no sound comes. The orange fog fills my mouth.
    It’s hard to breath. My chest feels heavy. I have to get out. I push against the wall again and again.
    Suddenly I hear a click and a buzz like a switch turning on. The wall opens, I fall forward as the orange fog escapes around me. I grab hold of the bars that are on the sides of the box I’m in. I pull myself out. Hanging from the bars. I have no idea how far down a drop it is. All I can see is blackness. Except for the orange glow of the lights from the box. Which appears to be some kind of metal tube. I am losing my hold on the bars, bracing for the fall. I pray it’s not to far. I land on my feet. Droping only inches. I start to laugh covering my mouth with my hands. The tears slowly roll down my cheeks as I cry soundlessly.
    Whoever brought me to this place could still be near. I have to calm down and I have to think! It’s so dark, I hate the dark. At least this pitch black darkness. I take several slow deep breaths. I dry the tears off my cheeks with the back of my hands.
    I hold my arms out in front of me and take several slow steps ahead. I know if I can find the wall I can follow it to the door. Maybe find a light switch on my way. I keep moving forward I don’t have to wait long till I reach the wall. I sigh in relief. So far so good. I slowly inch along the wall. My hand moves across a flat panel. Suddenly the lights flicker on. I turn around and slowly move into the middle of the room. Metal walls surround me. I look up at the box that is over head. It appears to be some type of bed. Like something out of a sci-fi movie. A strange metallic pod. I reach up touching the white sheet that hangs out of the edge of the pod. I quickly move away from it taking in my surroundings. This most be some kind of lab, I think to myself. I look at the computer on top of a metal table. Then at medical instruments and chemicals on shelfs built into the walls. It’s like nothing I have ever seen before. There is no sign of any doors but I had to been brought in somehow.
    Something moves out of the corner of my eye. I jump startled turning to see what is there. I move towards the mirror that shows my reflection. I stare back at the green eyes that look back at me. I flatten my uncombed red hair down. “Why me? I have the worst luck ever.” I say aloud. “Pitty session later, Dorothy.” I turn slowly back.
    Looking around I notice another panel similar to the one that turn on the lights. Maybe that is the one for the door I think to myself as I walk towards it. I reach my hand up to it hesitating. Oh, what’s the worst that could happen? I wave my hand in front of it. Half of the wall to my right begins to retract into the ceiling. Revealing a huge window. I stand there in shock at the view of the world outside.
    There before me is a green forest like jungle stretching as far as I can see. But it’s the purple sky and two moons that has my mouth falling open. I pitch my arm hard to make sure I’m awake.

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