Keeper of the Flame

Keeper of the Flame by Bianca D'Arc

Book: Keeper of the Flame by Bianca D'Arc Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bianca D'Arc
there—to the place beyond mere pleasure? She thought she might have finally found the man who could show her the true power that waited just over there, on the other side of the massive orgasm that was even now building within her.
    Hugh’s speed increased again as his breathing began to match pace. His thrusts were harder, deeper, more compelling, and she welcomed every stroke, every contact.
    “Hugh!” She fought hard to keep her voice down even as her senses began to explode.
    It didn’t take much. Hugh accelerated, grinding into her in short digs that put pressure on just the right places inside and out. Three strokes and she shot to the stars, stifling the scream she would have voiced if they hadn’t been so out in the open. The real stars above her swirled as her vision faded and sparks flew behind her eyes. Her body trembled and shook under him as Hugh clenched, his cock spewing warm jets into her body, heating her from within as his blanketing bulk heated her skin.
    “Lera… Sweet Lera…” His words came to her through the fog of pleasure.
    Finally. Finally she knew what it was like to feel the highest of highs, the pinnacle of pleasure. Finally, she touched the stars with a man. Finally, she understood what it was really all about for her as a keeper of magic.
    She had touched the place that had been out of reach with her other lovers. She had seen behind the curtain and learned there was ever more to see, ever more to experience. But at least she was on the path now.
    Hugh rolled off her, never losing touch with her bare skin. He lay behind her, spooning her back with her front to the fire so she was warm on all sides. He’d proven himself a considerate lover in all ways, including now, in the afterglow.
    Lera must have dozed, for when she woke next, Hugh’s warmth at her back was gone. In fact, she was lying flat on her back on the bedroll, her legs splayed wide apart and Hugh was between them, his head very near the juncture of her thighs. He looked up when she tensed.
    “Glad you’re awake.” He winked at her, an audacious smile on his handsome face.
    “Why’s that?” She felt strange, exposed like this, under the stars.
    A quick glance across the fire reassured her that the baby gryphon was still fast asleep. She’d seen youngsters of that race before and knew they required more sleep than most infants and when they slept, very little short of an earthquake would wake them until they were fully rested.
    “Because I was taught it’s not gentlemanly to take advantage of a woman while she is sleeping.”
    “And now that I’m awake, it’s all right?”
    “Definitely.” Hugh lowered his head, keeping his gaze locked with hers as he did something unexpected. His mouth opened over her clit, taking it inside the warm, wet cavern where his tongue waited to torture and play.
    No one had ever done this to her before. Lera didn’t know where to look, but that problem was solved by the fact that Hugh would not release her gaze, holding it with his own. The moment was far more intimate than when he’d been inside her. They’d been in that together. This time, it felt like only she was being driven to distraction, and he was doing it to her. He was in control here and she’d given over her free will with no fight at all. Whatever he wanted to do to her, she was open and ready. That was the message her body was giving him and he was taking full advantage.
    At the moment, she didn’t give a damn. Let him take charge if this was the result. She’d give total control to him, and gladly.
    A dangerous thought for a woman in her position. Danger, of course, had been following her for years. Only yesterday, two separate attempts had been made on her life. Now was not the time to deny herself any sort of pleasure Hugh had in store. She might not live much longer, in which case, she wanted to enjoy these stolen moments to their fullest extent.
    Hugh delved lower, his tongue stroking out to tease and tempt

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