Keep It Movin'

Keep It Movin' by L. Divine

Book: Keep It Movin' by L. Divine Read Free Book Online
Authors: L. Divine
little sweet act you’ve got going on will only get you so far, Jayd,” Sandy says, following me around the kitchen. “To keep a man you’ll eventually have to take off that chastity belt you’re wearing and let a nigga in.” She sounds just like Rah’s mom. No wonder he’s oddly attracted to her.
    â€œSandy, if I want your advice I’ll ask for it.” I’m trying to keep a cool head but this trick is making it very hard. Rah left me alone last night with his mom and now this morning with Sandy. Does he want me to slap one of these broads or what?
    â€œNo you won’t, but you should take it. Trust, Jayd. The way to get to Rah can’t be found on that stove.”
    â€œLittle do you know,” I say, thinking of all the times Rah and I have been in the kitchen together. “Like I said before, I’m still here and you’re not, no matter how loud you get about it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have breakfast to cook before I go to work. You know that place you go to make money for yourself instead of always having your hand out begging? You should try it out someday.”
    â€œOh I works for mine, sweetie. You best believe it,” she says, looking out of the window and toward the green Ford Explorer parked in the driveway. It looks like it was in an accident recently. I hope they buckle in Rahima correctly.
    â€œJayd, I told you not to worry about that baby. Her mama’s standing right there. Let her worry about that.”
    â€œDid you hear the crap this girl is talking about? She’s not concerned about her daughter’s well-being, and since I’m here I can’t help but be worried.”
    â€œJayd, I’m telling you, as sweet as that little girl is, she can bring you an equal amount of pain, just like having a sweet tooth. It seems like a good idea at first to eat the entire value pack of Now and Laters until you get a toothache, which leads to a root canal or maybe even the loss of a tooth. Take it from me, Jayd, and heed my warning. Let the parents parent. You be a friend and nothing more. You have enough responsibility as it is.”
    â€œWhere’s Karl? Shouldn’t y’all be enjoying breakfast in bed or something?”
    â€œWho says we’re not?” And with that last visual my mom’s out and I’m back to reality.
    â€œJayd, what the hell is wrong with you? You still act strange, you know that?”
    â€œSandy, can’t you wait outside? I’m sure your man is lonely.” Speaking of the devil, he blows his horn impatiently and I know Rah won’t like that at all.
    â€œI know that nigga didn’t just honk at me,” Rah says, walking in from the back of the house and back into the foyer, with Rahima right next to him. He rarely lets her feet touch the ground, but sometimes she insists and I don’t blame her. It’s nice to be able to stand on your own two feet sometimes.
    â€œWell maybe if you hurried your ass up some then he wouldn’t have to honk. I told you we’re in a rush.”
    â€œThis is my daughter, not his. You better tell that fool something,” Rah says, looking out of the window at the dude. Now that I have a car I’m still stuck in situations I don’t want to be in. What’s wrong with this picture?
    â€œAnd I told you your daddy wouldn’t come through, right? So don’t beat yourself up for too long about trusting him. You should be able to depend on him but sometimes life ain’t fair, as I’m sure you know. Just stay on your grind, Jayd, and all will be fine. Focus on you, baby.”
    â€œI thought you were gone,” I say, but I’m glad she’s in my head. I need her to keep me from blowing up. This holiday has sucked entirely, and I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m ready to go back to school.
    â€œSoon enough, Jayd. I’ll be out of your head when you get the message. You

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