Kate Robbins - The Highland Chiefs Series

Kate Robbins - The Highland Chiefs Series by Bound to the Highlander

Book: Kate Robbins - The Highland Chiefs Series by Bound to the Highlander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bound to the Highlander
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satchel back into the saddle’s side pouch and steeled himself to the immediate task of locating the raiders. The rising full moon allowed them to find the main road leading toward Moy Hall with ease. The road was wide and he knew it well.
    “May I make an observation?” Calum asked.
    “No.” He was in no mood for idle chit chat.
    Calum laughed. “Well, I’ll damned well make it anyway.”
    “Of course you will.”
    “I’ve been speaking with the lady’s maid —”
    “The heretic?”
    “She’s not what you think, Brother. She’s a wise-woman, a healer.”
    “You may want to take what that woman says lightly. I expect she’s as superstitious as the priest.”
    “Regardless, they both have the lady’s best interest at heart. I’ve learned some interesting things about them”
    James stopped his horse. “Was this before or after you lay with her?”
    “Did she bewitch you into her bed so she could fill your head with nonsense?”
    Calum stopped his horse. “You are way out of line! I have not bedded her and I believe she offers genuine concern regarding her lady’s feelings toward the cousin.”
    “The cousin? What did she say about him?” Perhaps the woman would serve useful after all.
    “Oh so now I have your attention?” Calum chuckled. “I wonder if you feel more for Lady Aileana than you care to admit. I’ve seen the way you look at her, like she is some extraordinary delight meant for you alone.”
    James shrugged, not willing to let Calum see the full extent of his musings regarding the lady. “You may share your information or we ride in silence. It is of no matter to me.”
    James waited. His brother’s jesting was tiresome.
    “The cousin is ill- favoured by the maid, the priest, the steward and—”
    “— especially by Iain Chattan.”
    “And the maid is certain of this?” Ill- favoured? That would explain Father Addison’s visit and his plea.
    “Quite. The lady would never hear any caution offered against the man and so the maid suffered her concerns in silence. She admits she protects Lady Aileana in her own way based on her beliefs that power lies in nature versus one almighty God.”
    “That kind of talk could land you both in the stocks, you realize.”
    “Aye, I do.”
    “Speak of it to no one, and keep your head.”
    This information was intriguing. Why would the lady hold the cousin in such high regard if everyone around her did not? Did they think they protected her? Why not warn her and a rm her against foolish passion?
    “Did the maid know why the man was so ill- favoured?”
    “She said he is cruel, but did not expand on it.”
    “Cruel? Many men can appear cruel when their actions are misunderstood. And you accept this at face value?”
    “She was convincing,” he said, grinning.
    Perhaps this was why Chattan wanted the arrangement solidified in writing including both their seals. Did the cousin pose some threat? Was it not cruel to blind the lass from such intentions? Who was more cruel? There were only two possibilities. Either Chattan wanted a more lucrative match for his niece, or the cousin was as bad as the maid thought. In both scenarios, Chattan made a choice for her benefit. And either way, James was the favoured solution. Perhaps he should feel honoured by the faith placed in him. Perhaps. While this information was enlightening, it still did not speak to the true nature of Aileana’s feelings for Gawain Chattan.
    About an hour into their journey, he caught sight of movement up ahead. He signaled Calum to dismount and they moved to the side of the road. They pulled their horses into the dense brush. He froze when a blade bit into his back.
    “Make a move and you die.” A gravelly voice growled into his ear.
    “ What do you want?” James asked.
    “Don’t ask questions and you may live longer.”
    He couldn’t see his attacker, but he could tell that he was matched in strength. Cooperating was his best option—for

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