Kate Robbins - The Highland Chiefs Series

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Book: Kate Robbins - The Highland Chiefs Series by Bound to the Highlander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bound to the Highlander
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he convince King James of Fergus’s innocence. Thus far, everything had gone rather smooth. He would address the matter during his upcoming visit to Linlithgow Palace.
    “Why now, with a possible pardon so close, would that daft oaf pull a stunt like this? Did the man court death for sport?” Calum asked.
    From what James knew of him, he was an honourable sort, if somewhat unrefined, but loyal nonetheless. He couldn’t believe Fergus would repay his protection all these months with such lunacy. No, there had to be some other explanation.
    “I have no answer for you, Calum.”
    After a long while, a lone rider entered the clearing in front of the cottage. He dismounted and glanced in their direction before entering. He was smaller built than the others. James guessed correct - someone else wanted him in this prison and he shuddered at the thought that it just might be a Cameron. Maybe Fergus was blackmailed into capturing him, his own family threatened. That would explain a lot.
    James turned to Calum, his blood surging through his veins.
    “I don’t know how much time we have before they come back out. I’m having one of your bad feelings about what may happen when they do. These posts are secured underground, but the wall bases are not. Find a rock or anything to move the soil. Swift now lad, work like your life depends on it. Because it probably does.”
    Calum needed no more encouragement. A roar of laughter from inside the cottage was incentive enough for James to fall to his knees and dig like there was no tomorrow.

Chapter Eight
    Her opinion of James had been challenged much in the last few hours. Aileana was still irritated by him, but couldn’t deny the raw attraction that coursed through her body every time he was near. The intimacy they shared did little to comfort her. She could not afford to let him possess her.
    She opened the door to her chamber and found her gown positioned so she could step into it. She trailed her hand down over the length of the deep green velvet. Would James have liked it?
    What an annoying thought.
    It was no matter what he thought of her gown since she didn’t need flattery or romantic designs from the likes of him. Still, she had developed an acute awareness of him. His nearness in the solar made the task of rationalizing their danger challenging. Part of her wanted to send Father Addison away and run her hands all over his muscled torso. The other part of her was surprised to discover his presence a comfort. She would not think about the kiss, no she would not.
    She stretched to unfasten the clasps at the back of her dress, her fingers fidgeting. She had just begun to remove the garment when Gwen entered. “Oh, I’m sorry my lady, I didn’t know you were in here or else I would have knocked. Getting ready without me, are you?”
    Gwen’s smile calmed her and almost made her feel like everything was normal.
    Normal. Just a few days ago things were just that. How quickly life could be turned upside down testing the limits of inner strength and stretching it beyond all sensible boundaries.
    “I was trying.” Aileana tried to sound confident, but her declaration was met with raised eyebrows. “But to be honest, I probably would have ended up stuck halfway into my gown with the castle under attack and unable to do anything but crawl under my bed.”
    Her blunt attempt at humour resulted in a short burst of laughter from each of them.
    Gwen sobered first. “Do you think we’re in any real danger here?”
    It was the same question she’d posed to James a short time ago.
    “I believe we’re safe for the time being. Come, let us ready ourselves and make the most of the evening, for our guest’s sakes. I believe our demeanour is a guide for those around us.”
    Gwen smiled and nodded while she scurried to tuck, pin, and fuss over Aileana. When they returned to the hall, the room was transformed and capable of accommodating twice as many guests as present.

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