Karen D. Badger - Yesterday Once More

Karen D. Badger - Yesterday Once More by Karen D. Badger Page A

Book: Karen D. Badger - Yesterday Once More by Karen D. Badger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen D. Badger
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the living room. Shit! This is one of those old fashioned televisions. How do I turn it on? She sat on the edge of the couch and struggled with the remote control until she managed to turn it on. She clicked through the channels until she found one broadcasting the local weather. On the bottom-left side of the screen were the numbers 6:50 a.m., 3/29/2019.
    Jordan gasped. Oh, God. What did the obituary say? Maggie Downs died yesterday... early morning ride... found at the bottom of a cliff on the western fringes of her property.
    Jordan pulled Maggie’s note from her pocket.
    I have decided to take an early morning ride along the west ridge.
    Panic clenched Jordan’s heart. “I’ve got to stop her!”
    Jordan jumped to her feet, grabbed a canvas barn jacket from a hook by the door, and ran out into the yard. She ran to the barn and flung the door open. She searched desperately for a horse, finding only empty stall after empty stall. Finally, she came to a magnificent mustang steed. Maggie owned the very same kind of horse that Jordan had had as a child.
    She spoke soothingly to the animal as she threw a blanket and saddle on its back. “Come on, big guy. We’ve got a job to do.” Jordan climbed into the saddle. A quick jab to the horse’s ribs and she was racing over the snow-covered fields at a full gallop. As she rode, Jordan anguished over how long it was taking to cover the distance from the house to the lake. In her desperation, she was oblivious to the biting cold that chafed her cheeks. I’ve forgotten how large this property is. God, please let me reach her in time.
    Nearly half an hour later, the frozen lake came into view. The sight encouraged Jordan to dig in her heels and push her steed to its limits. Maggie, please stay away from the edge. Please! I’m coming, my love, I’m coming. Please let me reach her in time. Suddenly, a shot rang out. As Jordan crested the last knoll separating her from the cliffs, the sight below robbed her of breath like a punch to the stomach. A riderless horse. Jordan’s heart fell. “Maggie! Maggie! No!” she screamed. She dug in her heels, bringing the horse to an abrupt stop at the edge of the cliff. Jordan jumped out of the saddle, the impact causing her to tumble into the snow and, in the process, twisting her right ankle. She grabbed her injured limb. “Goddamn it!”
    She climbed painfully to her feet and limped to the edge. Throwing herself to the ground, she peered over the side. At the bottom, among snow-covered boulders and rocks, lay a woman’s body. Her arms and legs were at odd angles, and her long red curls were splayed out around her head.
    “Maggie,” Jordan screamed.
    She looked around desperately for an easy way down the cliff and spotted a worn trail about thirty yards away. She scrambled to her feet and limped along the edge of the cliff until she reached the path. Clumsily, she began her descent, falling several times as her injured ankle refused to support her weight on the slippery slope. Jordan was terrified that she was already too late. “Maggie, baby, please hold on. I’m coming. Please hold on.”
    It felt like an eternity before Jordan reached the bottom. She struggled to climb over the icy rocks and boulders. Finally, Maggie was only a few feet away. Jordan called out to the injured woman as she closed the distance between them. “Maggie! Maggie, talk to me, sweetheart. Say something, please.” Maggie’s breathing was ragged, her chest rising and falling unevenly.
    Jordan knelt by Maggie’s side, taking special care not to move her. She gently brushed the curly locks from Maggie’s brow. Placing her shaking hands on either side of Maggie’s face, she leaned close and whispered, “Maggie, I’m here. Hold on my love. Please, don’t leave me. The stable hand will find your horse. Help will be here soon. Please hold on.”
    Maggie’s green eyes fluttered open.
    Jordan gasped and choked back a sob. She took Maggie’s hand in her own

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