Karen D. Badger - Yesterday Once More

Karen D. Badger - Yesterday Once More by Karen D. Badger

Book: Karen D. Badger - Yesterday Once More by Karen D. Badger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen D. Badger
said. “I’m serious.”
    “Could I ask you for a favor?”
    Kale put his hands on his hips. “And what would that be?”
    “Could you run home and bring the diaries back? I’m bored out of my mind.”

    * * *

    Six in the morning. Jordan reached over to silence the beeping alarm clock. As she rolled back into bed, she noticed a hollow in the pillow beside her—someone had been sleeping with her. She frowned. The pillow was still warm. Jordan grasped the edge of the blanket and threw it aside. She swung her legs out and stood up. Jordan froze. Wait. What’s going on here? Am I dreaming again?
    Jordan looked down. She was totally naked. Okay, this is disturbing. I haven’t slept in the buff since Susan.
    Jordan tested her legs by taking two small tentative steps. When they continued to support her, she grabbed a robe from the back of the bedroom door and headed for the kitchen. “Kale? Where are you?” When she reached the end of the hall, Jordan found herself in unfamiliar surroundings. It was the same furniture she’d seen in her first dream about Maggie. Okay, now I know I’m dreaming. Get a grip, Jordan. She walked into the kitchen. It was also the kitchen of the past.
    She decided to confront the dream directly. “Maggie? Maggie, where are you?” Jordan waited patiently for a reply that did not come. Finally, she gave up and returned to the bedroom. “Okay, so where are my clothes?” She rummaged through the dresser. After a moment, she found a pair of jeans and a flannel shirt that seemed to fit her okay. Next came footwear. Beside the bed was a pair of cowboy boots that fit her suspiciously well.
    She returned to the kitchen, the sound of her boot heels echoing on the tile floor. She looked around the room and noticed something she hadn’t seen before—a note on the countertop near the stove. It was folded in half and addressed “To Jordan.” She picked it up with shaky hands and brought it to her nose. It smelled of patchouli. A surge of warmth spread through her abdomen. She gasped at the unfamiliar feeling, which quickly spread to her lower extremities. She leaned against the cabinet to steady herself and her emotions. When the strength returned to her shaky legs, she whispered, “What’s happening here, Maggie? Why do you enchant me so?”
    The note shook in her trembling hands. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply to calm her nerves. Finally, she opened her eyes and began to read.

    My Dearest Jordan,
    I awoke this morning and saw your beautiful face beside me. Last night was so incredible. How did you have the energy to make love after working so hard yesterday filling the well? I wanted desperately to wake you with kisses and make love to you all day long, but I knew you needed to sleep. Thank you for filling the well. You were right. Putting it in the middle of the north pasture was a bad idea. How did you become so wise, lover? I have decided to take an early morning ride along the west ridge. I anticipate making love with you upon my return.
    I love you with all my heart, Maggie.

    Jordan’s was filled with confusion. She read the note a second time and felt the burning ache in the very core of her being. She loves me? We made love? Why can’t I remember?
    Jordan carefully folded the note and placed it in her back pocket. Then she looked around the kitchen for clues about Maggie’s personality. The room was decorated with a decidedly country flair, not unlike the décor she and Kale had chosen for their new kitchen. As she admired Maggie’s taste, her eyes fell on a calendar hanging on the back of the kitchen door. Jordan frowned as the date came into focus. March, 2019.
    Jordan took a step back, her brow furrowed in thought. Why was that significant? March, 2019, March... oh, my God! Maggie died on March 29, 2019! Jordan began to pace, a panicky feeling invading her heart. What should I do? I’m not even sure what day it is. How do I find out? Wait! The holovision. Jordan ran into

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