Just Another Day at the Office
    “Good morning, everyone,” Russ Toyer said. He entered the board room and took his seat at the head of the table. Looking down the black oak table at his new staff of product testers, he allowed himself a smile. He’d selected quite the group.
    Chase Bruner sat to his left in Wranglers and boots with a black cowboy hat dipped low over his eyes, looking ready to lasso a bull at any moment.
    On Chase’s left was Jayson Grant, former defensive end for the Dallas Cowboys, wearing a designer suit that accentuated his massive, muscular frame. Early retirement had only allowed Jayson more time to work out, so he was even bigger now than he was in his playing days.
    On the opposite side of the table, Zach Allendale had a yellow legal pad and pen poised to take notes, should they be necessary. Probably a hard habit for the lawyer to break.
    “Welcome to the Toyz ‘R Us team,” Russ said. “I trust you’ve all read through your contracts and know what’s expected.” He looked over at Zach and raised an eyebrow. If any man present was going to have an objection to the contract, it would be the legal mind of the bunch, considering they’d be testing sex toys before they were put out on the market. Zach nodded, though, so Russ pressed on.
    “Excellent. I’ve hired each of you an assistant, carefully selected based on the preferences and requirements noted in your application packets. They’re due to arrive in about fifteen minutes, so you can help them acclimatize to their new responsibilities. A file is waiting in each of your offices with all the pertinent details on your assistants. By mid-morning, my assistant, Abby, will be around to each of your offices to deliver your first test product assignments.”
    Russ shuffled a stack of papers on the table. “You’ve got a weekly budget already set up for your assistants, for other supplies you might need. Check your file for details on how that will work. And you’re each responsible for setting the rules for your own assistants—working days and hours, dress code, system of discipline, and the like.” He met and held each of their gazes for a moment, letting his words sink in.
    “As long as you complete testing of your assigned products each week and finalize the reports for our Monday morning meetings for discussion, feel free to operate your tests and trials as you see fit. Some weeks, we’ll all test the same products, and other weeks we’ll have products catered specifically to our individual specialties and preferences. I’m sure you’ll be pleased with this week’s choices. We’ll arrange a demonstration for the office later in the week. Any questions?”
    Chase leaned over, leaning his elbows on the table. “The contract mentioned somethin’ about client demonstrations, not just demos for the rest of the office?”
    “There won’t be any this first week,” Russ said. “I’ll let you know when we’ve got something scheduled and who I’ll be sending them to. You’ll always have at least a day or two notice, so you can plan how you’ll want to go about the demo.”
    Zach nodded. “Will the clients be allowed to participate in the demonstrations?”
    “Of course, if they want.”
    “And if our assistants don’t work out for whatever reason?” Jayson asked. He cracked his knuckles.
    “If you’ve taken all the disciplinary measures you feel are necessary and aren’t happy with your assistant’s performance, let me know and she’ll be replaced as soon as possible.”
    Russ took another look around. His new product testers were all nodding, eyes narrowed, deep in thought. “Well, if there’s nothing—”
    “I’ve got one last question,” Jayson said. He pushed away from the table, folding his massive arms over his chest. “Well, technically two. Do we have to do all our tests in the office, and can we allow anyone else to assist us?”
    “Excellent questions.” Russ smiled. “Testing can take place anywhere, any time. We have a

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