Just a Kiss

Just a Kiss by Ally Broadfield

Book: Just a Kiss by Ally Broadfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ally Broadfield
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and cheerful smile, Maisy didn’t seem old enough to be a maid, but she moved with practiced efficiency.
    “Thank you, Maisy.” She helped the maid unpack the remainder of her meager belongings. The bedchamber was larger than the entire first floor of Richard’s town house. Charlotte ran her fingers over the silk curtains framing a window and peered down into a sculpture garden. Her gaze settled on a statue of Aphrodite and she made a silent wish to have her allure and power—just long enough to get rid of Horace and make Sebastian fall in love with her. Surely that wasn’t too much to ask.
    Since the men were invariably off to hunt, shoot, or fish in the mornings, Charlotte took the opportunity that first week to visit the village with Anna, work with the head gardener on the flower arrangements for the ball, and assist Lady Marley in finding a cure for Oscar’s persistent rash.
    On the day the ball was to be held, she was up to her elbows in suds and wet dog when the outer door to Lady Marley’s chamber opened and Sebastian stepped in. He walked toward his grandmother without greeting Charlotte or even casting a glance her way. Then again, she was industriously scrubbing Oscar in Lady Marley’s copper tub while wearing an apron. One could not choose a more effective method of becoming invisible.
    “Have you seen Miss Lightwood? Hudson said she was with you. She is late for the tour of the gardens. The Duke and Duchess of Chadwick, as well as Princess Tarasova and Lord Ashdown, are waiting…”
    Sebastian’s voice trailed off as he took more than a passing glance at her and slowly approached. He placed a finger under her chin and gently lifted until his eyes met hers. Apparently satisfied as to her identity, he turned back to Lady Marley. “Gran, despite current appearances, Miss Lightwood is in fact our guest and not a servant.”
    Lady Marley slapped her palm against the headboard. “She graciously offered to help soothe Oscar’s rash, and I don’t see anyone else around here volunteering to bathe him,” she said, her words sharp enough to wound.
    Sebastian frowned. “You know perfectly well he’ll bite the maids if they dare attempt it.”
    “He wouldn’t bite you.” She met his glare defiantly.
    “I don’t think—”
    “Do be quiet,” Charlotte said in exasperation. “Lady Marley was concerned about Oscar’s rash, so I offered to bathe him with a concoction we have had success with on our dogs.”
    “Despite my previous statement, we do, in fact, have servants for that sort of thing.” Sebastian studied the ceiling and tapped a finger against his lips. “I’m certain we can talk someone into attempting it. Perhaps if we dressed them in the beekeepers’ garb, they might be more willing.”
    Charlotte giggled and rose to her feet. “I wished to do it myself. Besides, I needed to make sure the mixture for the soap was correct before I give Cook the recipe.” Charlotte lifted Oscar out of the tub and dried him as best she could. As soon as she released him, he bounded across the floor and leapt onto Lady Marley’s bed. She took a length of toweling and settled Oscar upon it to protect the coverlet.
    “Thank you, my dear. He seems more comfortable already.”
    Charlotte touched Lady Marley’s arm. “You’re quite welcome, my lady. I will check on him before the ball this evening, and if he’s still restless, we’ll try a pansy compress.”
    Sebastian studied her with an enigmatic expression. “Are you ready, then? I don’t wish to keep the others waiting.”
    “Of course.” Charlotte removed the apron and shook out her skirts. She had planned to change before attending the garden tour, but she’d lost track of time. Wet spots dotted the front of her dress, but the muslin fabric would dry quickly enough.
    Sebastian took her arm and led her into the empty corridor. Compared to the bustling activity in the rest of the house, the family wing was quiet. He paused to reach into

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