Jungle Freakn' Bride

Jungle Freakn' Bride by Eve Langlais

Book: Jungle Freakn' Bride by Eve Langlais Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Langlais
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and Chaob long ago claimed as their own for when their roaming took them too far and they needed a private place to rest, he strode into the bathing chamber and directly into the water, holding her against him even as he scrubbed the evidence of her ordeal from her skin.
    She finally lifted her face from his shoulder, her cheeks still tear - streaked. His heart tightened at her whispered, “Thank you.”
    He should have replied, but with his throat oddly tight, he couldn’t. Surely he wasn’t succumbing to something so emas c ulating as fear or tears? Of course not. He didn’t speak and reveal his secret because he didn’t want to ruin the moment.
    Cleansed again, he handed Carlie to Chaob , who’d appeared with a drying cloth. Wrapping her in it, they re-entered the sleeping chamber.
    But now what?
    Acat knew what he wanted to do. Drop the charade and m ake love to his bride. Tell her the t ruth and finally start his new life with his mate. Oh , and take her body a few dozen times to cure himself of the hunger and heat he’d suffered since meeting her.
    However, he hesitated, as did Chaob. Unlike a battle where he could charge in and kill something, or a regular village girl who would accept his caresses without words or questions , when it came to Carlie, he didn’t know how to act or w hat to do.
    Her American upbringing made her react in the oddest ways. Just look at her reaction after they pleasured her. He’d thought for sure she’d end up soft clay in their hands. He looked forward to it even. Instead, like a queen who’d received her due and expected nothing more, she marched off, head held high.
    It stuck in his craw that he feared her rejection. That he might touch her again, burn for her , and have her turn away because he didn’t have it in himself to force or rape her.
    This was his mate. His woman. The future mother of his cubs. He wanted her to accept him. To…love him.
    So much as it went against his nature, he set her down on her feet and stepped away. Gave her the space his cat didn’t want to give. W ith wary eyes, he watched for her next move a nd prayed, prayed to every god he knew , that she would finally, please gods, finally come to them and accept her fate. Accept me.

Chapter Nine
    When her terror abated, due in large part to her timely rescue and the soothing bath removing all traces of the spider that shouldn’t exist outside Mordor, Carlie found herself in a peculiar situation.
    On the one hand, she wanted to stay mad at the guys , b ut despite her attempt to escape, Mr. Kitty , along with his pet jaguar, came to save her dumb, blonde ass. While the cat seemed to have disappeared again, Golden Grin ended up being part of her escort back. Between them, they bathed her and calmed her high blood pressure, then, despite their lingering hands, left her alone.
    But they didn’t leave her alone , alone . As if uncertain, they lay upon the pallet, eyeing her with expressionless masks, watching her as if worried she’d go off the deep end. A part of her was tempted. I mean , who brings a girl to a place with alien - sized, human - eating spiders! However , another part of her, her newly acquired, vocal inner conscience , rumbled at her to stop fighting. To just let nature take its course. Fighting wasn’t getting her anywhere. And neither was running.
    S uccumbing to their allure – and her own burning need , which flared to life as she took note of their naked , perfect bodies – s he dropped to her knees between them. Wished so bad they’d say something, or at least do something. Touch her. Kiss her. Show her they wanted her. Make the first move.
    Carlie wasn’t a shy damsel or virgin by any means, but even she expected the man to move first. What to do? Did she dare turn up once again what they seemed to offer? Would she let her pride and stubbornness force her to spend the rest of her life wondering what could have been ?
    “ Do you expect me to choose? Because I can’t ,

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